aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    You are not offending me in anyway ^^, I'm just confronting you with the flip side of your statement. And I understand your point of view and I do not think you see me as some conservative person ^^. It is just the fact that everyone rather remembers bloodshed then something else. There are a few people who know something more beside the conflicts and that is partly due to the way we write our history books. (I must say that the history book I found was one from back in high school XD, so it isn't a big nor very elaborate one)

    @Kumi-kun: what do you mean against the rules???? Oo I didn't know there was an aarin rule against political tinted discussions.
  2. Link
    Well you should know, you have like over 3k+ posts :S And I do believe it was not allowed to tlak about political topics. I saw a post about Obama or Mccain a while ago, and it was closed down by an admin.

    But I don't think we are talking about contemporary politics, we are just talking about HISTORY haha...

    @MC Denno
    Are you actually referring to the SESAM atlas of world history? YOu know that tiny book with maps and dates on what happened since the beginning of mankind? That is like the worst history book ever... It's handy to look up in what year what happened, but its horrible if you want to know what real history is. I had a history teacher who forced us to learn the years when Dutch independence began and all the things around it: Beeldenstorm, tachtig jarige oorlog, bestorming van Alva in Den Briele (or something), acte van verlatinghe, death of Willem of Orange :S Dam, I need that Sesam atlas to look up when these events happened XD
  3. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    nah, I was referring to the 'spreken verleden' series, that were used by our high school.

    and kimi-kun: As Link said, we aren't talking about politics were are talking about history or to be more precise we are talking about a philosophical question in general and we are illustrating that by historical events ^^. But if we have said something to offend you, we are sorry and if we are doing something we shouldn't I am sorry for that as well. And I do not believe Aarin is going to ban us, just because we did something we didn't know was forbidden (at least not without giving us a warning first).

    I do however want to sincerely thank you for your concern and we (well I at least) will take your comment to hart.

    And if people are feeling left out by our conversations I am very willing to change topic ^^. Where do you want to talk about?
  4. Toran
    Geez guys, what an difficult conversation:P Too difficult for me lol:P when u guys are starting an easier conversation, wake me up:P (it's an intresting conversation though:P)
    and my *mening*:P about freedom is, as long as i can walk around free in my black clothes with chains an stuff, i'm happy:P and that's freedom for me, just to be your self, and F*** the world well yeah, that's how i am o yeah, and freedom is, run around in amsterdam, with an yaoi flag:P
  5. Link
    Yup sorry about that too, I believe me and Mac were a bit overdominating this place >_<

    It's funny that this is a Yaoi forum and we end up talking about this lol. But its always better to talk about something to keep this group alive.....

    So who's up to the next offline meeting? I'll be going to the next Boekenfestijn in de RAI amsterdam on thursday morning (end november). If no one is going with me, I'll have to go alone But I will do everything to buy more manga (Tokyopop) for 2 euro a piece
  6. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    speaking of yaoi flags and our nation's fine capital... are there any plans for a new Aarin Dutch meeting? -I thought I had sensed some ideas about that- And since the chrismas holidays are coming up I thought maybe some of you have some plans ^^, just curious.
  7. Link
    Oh thx that you speak so highly about my city lol.... I have a friend who's from Rotterdam and she can't even say Amsterdam, she rather says 020 lol >_<

    Oh but Christmas is sooooo far away.... I don't want to be anxious about it now already XD But first we have sinterklaas he, no santa before sinterklaas leaves!
  8. Toran
    Yay, yeah, i want another meeting and then u have to come too Denno

    @Link: what is the date, that thursday morning?:P maybe i can take off from school, i'm just gonna, hehe. i'm a devil i would like to come so tell me everything, the date, and time and stuff, and i will come
    and about christmas, that would be great to have an meeting then, cuz christmas is *gezellig* so it would be even more great to do something with u guys but we have too see if Sas is also available (did i say it right:P) Cuz she has children and an husband so she has to spend time with them as well. so Sas, please tell:P
  9. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    ^^ and I was referring to the two week holiday we have around Christmas (oh wait, for all you American English talkers: Vacation ^^ x-mas vacation) and I say it cause everyone has that around the same time, that makes planning an even a lot easier ^^ (cause some of us are still in school, other's work or have children (like Saskia). And some might have a busy college schedule)

    well just say what you all think ^^. I think its a great idea
  10. Kreatio
    Oh, meeting!! That would be cool!! But... I'm gonna go visit my brother this x-mas vacation (^^) and he lives in Norway, so... i'll be gone from right after christmas untill 30 december. I hope we can plan it before or after that *big puppy eyes* I would hate to miss it!!!

    Oh, and about the boekenfestijn!! I always go aswell, but I can't afford to take the day off at school -.- Unfortunately. So I'm gonna go on sunday (when it's all empty but I fear I have no other choice).

    I currently own 'the' yaoi flag! I would be more than happy to pass it over at the next meeting. Like we did at school, with the 'schoolbear'! It went sleeping with someone a week, and then you could tell everything he had done when with you ^^ And so everyone in the class got it for a week! *snif* such great memories ^^ :P

    "The adventures of the yaoi-flag"... "yaoi-flag returns" "The rise of the yaoi-flag" (i'm sorry, i'm just getting carried away a bit, hihi!)
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