aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    ^^ well I designed the cover myself (it has a Naruto and Sasuke on the front - I know you can't see it yet, but you will ^^-) And maybe I'll even add some illustrations inside, although I don't know yet.

    And parts of the story I think of before I start, a kind of a rough outlining. And then I start writing and connecting all the twirling bits of ideas that are floating around in my head.

    Every time I write a new chapter however it has the possibility to change. I started to reread my first three chapters and I was like O.O... this isnt in my story XD. It didn't really connect with the rest (cause of the changes I made while writing ^^) so I now I'm rewriting the first three chapters so they give a proper introduction ^^. (and dont worry it are some minor details, something's you probably won't notice if you didn't know they were there, still I see them and they bug me XD)

    So Link, it's a bit of both ^^. I change the plot while I write, while I also have a 'prefabricated', if you will, plan ^^.

    And I am a native Dutchman, but I somehow managed to speak fluent English when I was six XD, so you can safely say I am bilingual. And my English is some times better then my Dutch XD. And I use a lot of English words and sayings when I talk or chat ... dunno why really ^^.

    And thanks Toran, It's always nice to hear someone likes my story ^^.
  2. The10thPlague
    Oh my God, I should have watched this group a little more closely the last few weeks. But yaoi on tv, that would be so great

    As long as they don't try to dub the shows. Because that'll be like watching English-language movies on German tv. (can you even imagine that those Germans even dub something like Rocky or The Terminator How would "I'll be back!" sound in German? "Ich soll zurückgehen!" ?)

    But I'm a member, and volunteer, of the COC so I could "arrange" some yaoi marketing in the gay community. And after a while all gays will watch yaoi, and it'll spread out into the rest of the nation, creating yaoi supremacy. Muahaha.....
  3. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    coc??? wth is that? sorry I'm not that highly educated XD.
  4. Link
    @sander I didnt expect you to be in the COC o.0 I thought it was some kind of political party for gays? They organise all sorts of gay festivals in holland too right? If you can 'arrange' something it would be great! now go and start lobbying!

    @mc denno so you are bilingual? You are so lucky, I have to write all my papers in English and I make so many small little mistakes XD You can see that its written by a foreigner... sigh.... But luckily I have a friend who is willing to reread my English >_<
    and goodluck on finishing that book!
  5. Kreatio
    Wow!! Writing a book... I wish I had the patience to do that... *bows deeply*

    And that COC thing does sound really cool Why have I never heard of that??!!
  6. The10thPlague
    No, COC is not a political party. A political party for gays would be ridiculous, if you'd ask me. That would just be something like the Partij voor de Dieren (sorry I offence someone) . COC actually stands for "Cultureel en OntspanningsCentrum", and it's the worlds oldest gay rights movement. Yeah, I know the name's dumb, but it's actually is a cover name, as homosexuality was still partly forbidden back in 1946. So the COC is the Dutch gay rights movement, with departments (afdelingen) all over the country, which include gay bars etc. I'm a volunteer for the Jong&Out project. It's a project for gays under 18. Most gay bars, parties, etc. are for 18+ so we created the Jong&Out project so there is also some room for 18- gays/bi's. Well, ofcourse I have to do some PR so here's the site : http://www.jongenout.nl/

    And yes, the COC does (partly) organize the gay "festivals": The Canal Pride, Roze zaterdag etc. But it also sponsors smaller things, like Pink Party and Lavelöss here in Maastricht. Owh, and it has an offical UN advisory status xD.
  7. Link
    Oh that is just awsome that you are willing to fight for your own youth rights. It was very big in the news a year ago, when a boat with people below 18 were on the Gay pride canal parade o.0 So many people had those opinions that these little kids (some were 14) don't know what sex is and can't be that sure if they were gay >_> It was such a strange debate. But it's amazing that they dare to come out at that age already. Nothing but cheers from my side ^_^

    Anyway keep up the good work, Sander! So you are very much in touch with the 'gay culture' in Holland haha, when I saw you I spot some 'feminine' threats ^_^.... I noticed, the more gays are mingling with gay people, the more they use their hands when they talk or walk differently...
  8. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    ^^ well my story isn't really a book... well at least it didnt start as one. It was a just a (short) story I was writing (or planning to write XD) and can say it got a little bit out of hand ^^. *cough* 160 pages out of hand *cough*

    ^^ yay for gay rights XD. Some ppl at the university call me the preacher cause of my very fervent speeches about gay rights (and right for minorities in general) and that this country has a long way go in terms of full acceptance of gays and lesbians (which is the same from a language point of view). I annoy a lot of ppl with it, but I don't care ^^.

    And a lot of children know even at younger age that they are gay, they just aren't ready to accept it. And coming out on such a young age is really impressive. Yay for the brave gay ppl ^^.

    I also just discovered that there is a fellow (female) student who is a major ***hag XD. When she heard, she immediately wanted to be my friend and go out with me XD. I kinda brushed her off -.-', cause I wasn't really interested in someone who was so... strongly coming on to me XD... still it was kinda funny ^^.

    well I'm back to my writing
  9. Rukin
    Hello everyone, long time no see
    Last year of high school and the exam-preperations are kinda keeping me occupied XD
    @MC Denno: sugoi, I've never succeded in continueing a story for that long, congrats!

    oh yeah that about people around the age of 14 not knowing enough about sex is just plain crazy, most guys I know (and that includes me) started 'learning' around 12 years old. Though I can't really talk much, since I discovered being gay at the age of 16 and didn't come out of the closet until about march this year (meaning I was a scaredy-cat for 2 years >.<')
    I think the best step to accepting bisexuals and homosexuals is educating children at a young age about it. And I'm not talking about 'sexuele voorlichting' but for example fairytales. Children will see it as more natural when they've heard stories about to men or two women being together. I know I'll probably sound crazy, but I know that if I had heard the fairytale of 'de prins of de erwt' I'd probably realized sooner about my sexuality and would have come out sooner.
  10. Link
    OH kewl we have some people with hidden political talents down here ^_^ But you know, society is not exactly adapted to our way of personal life. I mean, how can we ever expect that teachers will suddenly start reading stories about two princes who are not fighting against each other but actually making out lol. Think about it, a lot of people just find it unethical. It doesn't feel right and it is the last thing that should happen. And because they feel like that, they start adding arguments that GOD did not allow it and so on. But the main thing is, that it is much harder to take away that feeling of repulsion against gayness.... I don't think 'schooling' is the solution to that problem, since we all know that we learn much more in real life experience than from textbooks (even though I'm the one who is still studying at 24 lol)

    Oh hi welcome back Rukin. Are you that guy on your avatar o.0 I must say you're amazingly hot haha. Since you said sukoi, are you Japanese? Which makes you even hotter flawless and smooth skin and extremely kawaaaai

    Haha, ***hags, those girls are hilarious. I meet plenty of them on the internet and thank god not so many in real life. They are just the most annoying people alive. Suddenly I'm their best friend or something... Why can't there be boys who act like ***hags sheesh
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