aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. Nihmmie
    somehow I'm glad I wasn't in holland somewhere outside... I think it would have been a downpoor aswell as a thunderstorm?

    Hellow MC Denno! new dutchie (or belg)! luckily you are already on the yaoi-side, saves the whole trying-to-lure-to-this-side.
  2. sas399
    Thunder? *looks around bewildered* Sky is (and was) as clear as a baby's bottom What kind of expression is that ?

    Welcome McDenno !! Another guy !!! We need more guys...only girls is NOT healthy

    By the way: we also need more people at the meeting (is my personal opinion) ... although I am happy with the people who are coming now!!! The more the merrier !!!

    Please look here for more information!
  3. Mimos
    Heya MC
    Almost 40 members
    I always sleep through thunder, so I never notice when there's some
  4. The10thPlague
    Welkom hier Mc Denno. Nog een jongen.... JOEPIEEEE... (*me is a guy too )

    [Welcome here. Another guy. JEEEH]
  5. sas399
    Thunder must have happened in the west then !!

    Hey Mimos... you're not coming?? (we need more guys !!)
  6. Kreatio
    Welcome McDenno!! Always happy to see new people in our group, it's getting nicer every day ^^ Very nice people over here, as you see

    I didn't notice any thunder!! Normally I always wake up... hmm.. strange ^^ Maybe that's why I woke up with such a headache this morning. (or i'm starting to get sick. "Het heerst" over here ^^)
    But other then that, i'm fine!
  7. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    thunderstorm???? where? XD, but I'm not the one to ask I can sleep through anything, once I'm out... I'm out cold XD. you can fire a canon next to my ear and I will sleep right though it ^^.

    and the whole meeting idea, sounds nice and I love Amsterdam ^^... but I dont know if I can come cause I probably have a birthday then (unless he doesn't celebrates it...) But I'll let you guys know somewhat in advance if I can/cannot come.

    to Kreatio: I hope you get well soon (if you sick that is, otherwise I hope you don't get sick ^^)
  8. Toran
    I love thunderstorms i always open my curtains and look out the window to see the lightning:P

    AAAAAAAAAAAH MC Denno you need to come maybe he is celebrating it on a other day hope so
  9. Kreatio
    Wow, talking about storms... I was just cought in the heaviest rain I have ever seen! Pretty awesome.

    @ MC Denno: I've put you on the list for the meeting ^^ If you can't come, i'll 'remove' you, of course
    And I did get sick, hihi ^^ But just a cold, nothing more.
  10. Toran
    yesterday i was (kledder nat) :P (Don't know in english) and i have a Gothic coat, an he was F****** Heavy:P that wasn't nice, and this morning it was still wet:P terrible:P but it's dry now so i hope it stays this way haha.
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