aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. schetenei
    Jongens!!!! (en meisjes)
    Herinneren jullie nog mijn vraag om Engelse vertalingen toe te voegen ja of nee? Ik denk dat het beter (veiliger) is om voorlopig een Engelse vertaling erbij te zetten, willen we deze groep behouden. De regels in het forum tellen namelijk ook hier in Social groups mee.

    Remember my question about adding English translations or not? I think it's better (safer) to add an English translation for now, that is, if we want to keep the group. The rules in the forum also apply to the Social groups.

  2. Mimos
    Okay, guess we'll just have to type thing twice

    Moeten we dus alles twee keer typen xD
  3. Locis
    Would that really be necessary? I can understand if this rule is needed in other (English) groups, but since this is a Dutch only group I don't really see the point.
    Might as wel talk English only in this Dutch group :P
  4. EmmyEii
    Hm.. -sigh- and here I thought I wouldn't have to murder my brain every time I post something on this site xD Damn. Ah, well, since we have to translate everything to English, I won't even bother typing anything in Dutch -too lazy-

    Edit: OMG, on pro's too?! ..
  5. Mimos
    Misschien moeten we daar een suggestie over maken =P

    Yeah, it's pretty weird, because it's allowed for the german and hongarian groups too...
    like any american or english person would care? xD
  6. schetenei
    It isn't allowed for German and Hungarian groups actually. It's just that the moderators haven't checked the Social Groups yet. Yavannah announced that moderators are going to skim through the Social Groups, and will delete the few that hasn't got the 10 required members yet. Personally, I don't think that those 10 members are necessary. The important thing is that the group remains active. Meaning that when there were no posts for a period of a time, it should be deleted.

    I also don't think it's necessary here, as we have our own moderator who knows dutch and will be able to check that we will stay polite at all times (no flaming, cybersex, etc). But, this isn't the case for the Hungarian groups and others, so I don't think we can be the only exception to the rule, which is unfair to other groups.
  7. Mimos
    We have 11 members, so that's no problem, and yeah, the 10 required members is a rather unnecessary rule...

    Oh well, guess we just ask a moderator, because I like this group too much to get disbanded over this 'small' thing
  8. kumi-kun
    wooow this group was a huge surprise to me! XD
    but hello everyone! It's nice to meet fellow dutchies on aarin
    and discover who are dutch and all :3
  9. schetenei
    ^^; The moderator I was talking about was Longy, and it was just a reason why we should be able to post in English, not a way to get us save. Just saying we should converse in English at all times, even if we have Longy here.

    Haia kumi-kun I was surprised as well that someone opened such a Social Group
  10. neokira
    Hooraaaaay! More Dutch yaoi-fans! Maybe some day we will have a yaoi-con in our humble little country!
    Thank you people!

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