aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shattered
    i uploaded the byakuya and rukia's beat collection

    the freetalk at the end with their seiyuus sounds really funny

    i never understood why the most powerful and technologically advanced country in the world stayed with the empircal measurement system
  2. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Um, because you guys all suck and we rock?

    Oh MAN I wanna d/l but it drives me crazy when I can't understand what they're saying!! Hopefully there'll be a translation out there eventually.
  3. arinna
    O.o we're talking gas and measurement systems now?!?

    o, how the mighty have fallen...
  4. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL Stop making me laugh at 4 o'clock in the morning!!!
  5. shattered
    ... kenryuu is kinda hot
  6. xfangirlx
    XDDDDDDDDDDDD omg lol the randomness! i love this club so much so many funneh comments and urm....staces you are a hell of alot lucky.... theres been times when i...nvm u dont need to kno that >_>
  7. shattered
    it was just too painful to watch the filler episodes in one sitting. i kept pausing to get some cringes out of my system.

    verdict - "... and we thought byakuya's zanpakutou was feminine -_-;"
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I can't watch episode 171 I tried to watch it in zoomplayer but that didn't work either. I have to go check to see if someone made a conversion, or if maybe Rumbel put theirs out. God, even MORE reasons to hate DB!!
  9. xfangirlx
    omg i still havent watched that yet.....i keep falling behind and i keep falling behind on naruto !! omg .....
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Okay, yeah, the zanpakutou -- BLATANT RIP OFF OF SENBONZAKURA. Byakuya's shikai and bankai are very feminine, yes, which makes us fangirl over him, but he's also an eff-ing badass, too, which is also why we fangirl over him. Kenryuu is just a fool. I'm a bit po'ed because I was ready to like this guy, I mean he's a bishie after all, and he's pretty cool, but now he's just a fraud. Not only is his zanpakutou a rip-off, but it's also a total joke.

    I admit I did laugh quite a bit during that fight sequence, but I felt so guilty for it.
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