Is this club new?Too few post,let's bleach!!What to bleach then? ^^
haha, and I was just thinking say cat's finally into slash.. guess not X.D
Good morning! I saw your post, Artemis! Big ol' meanie head! Those were some funny pics, Cat. See, shattered, with power comes great responsibility, i.e. WORLD DOMINATION!
@nekogal *lolol* XD I'm sorry for you But, hey, I can stand it if you talk about pairings, I'm not that crazy and stubborn that I'd say "THERE CAN'T BE PAIRINGS, WHOO, YOU SUCK!" I even wrote a short Chad/Ishida fic for one of my friends... O_o;, *hides unter her bed* @DarkMiasma YES! I agree! I'd like to talk about Renji, but, that's just me...
Since we're talking slash thingy,what do you guys think about Mayuri-sama X Ishida?Lol,without his mask of course.I said this cause there's alot of funny fanfic when Mayuri randomly say "I herd yu liek Quincy?" to Syazel!!
Love the cute neko-Ulqui pic, shattered!
@DarkMiasma Lol, that sounds hilarious! I haven't read any Mayuri fic yet (which itself is weird because I read so much Bleach fics) but I'm not sure I want to. The guy gives me serious creeps! So if we're talking fanfiction, everyone name your 3 favorite pairings! (don't have to be yaoi!) I mostly read IchigoxRenji, GrimmixUlquiorra and GinxKira
I dislike Mayuri, so that's definitely NO GO for me. >_<; Even without his mask... noooo... So, I don't have any real pairing that I like... besides Kyouraku x Ukitake. That's so standard. *lol* >-<
Cat~ can we try to convert you atleast? with some sexy Renji slash.. it could end like shattered! I LOVE MAYURI! I don't really like him with ishida though, I prefer mayuriXgin.. but I don't really like Mayuri slash all that much. and my three favourite pairings AizenXgrimmjow (ideally non-con ) and RenjiXichigo and for third I like KenXgin but it's even better when there is also MayuXgin AT THE SAME TIME!!
Three favorite pairings, woot! Renji x Byakuya Shunsui x Jyuushirou Hisagi x Yumichika haha, what can I say, I like old married couples and sweet romance XD