aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shattered
    no, dai-kun disabled the rearrange function coz it kepted going back to the original random inventory after you log out or close the window
  2. staces
    What is even the point of having more that six cards at this point, as there is no longer a way for anyone but oneself to view their inventory =/
  3. CelticMist
    Damn...my cards are SO randomly arranged..no system whatsoever. -__-'
  4. shattered
    i was given renji and he's at the bottom of my inventory list T__T
  5. staces
    Speaking of cards, if anyone has a Kenpachi that they are just dying to get rid of, out of the goodness of my heart I will be kind enough to take him off your hands XD
  6. shattered
    yay problem solved! i bought gin so now i have 2 couples aligned vertically and the seme is on top in each! hurray for shunjuu and renbya! on well aizen x seiran i can handle too
  7. CelticMist
    I have Ken-chan but it's my baby, cause it was made from the pic I proposed. ^^' Sorry.

  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Okay, you should have Ken-chan in your inventory now but it's not being displayed in your top six Stupid card system.
  9. staces
    OMFG!!!! *glomps Artemis to bits and pieces till she turns blue* Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyoooooooooooooooooo!

    XDDD I can't believe anyone was actually nice enough to do that! XD Anyone want a Hanatarou or Ishida card so I can clear out space for Ken-chan.

    Thank you soooo much! Lemme know if you want me to draw you something or write you a fic in return! XDDDDD I'm so happy!
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh please don't thank me so much I only told you b/c when I checked your most recent post, the card was not showing up ... so I knew it could be months before you even realized it was in your inventory

    I don't want anything in return If no one wants Ishida or Hana, just sell them back; at least you'll get a third of the points.
Results 641 to 650 of 1183