aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shattered
    you're right artemis, she was adopted while still in the academy and her graduation was accelerated. still, she would have been like 30 years old or something maybe, if we take into account that she and renji were kids and then 10 years passed and they entered the academy ... :shrug: i prefer it as an innocent crush with her vice captain, because not that many people treated her like kaien did, you know demanding respect but was genuinly a friend to her - she didnt hang out with anyone other than renji in the academy and in the flashbacks, aside from kiyone and sentarou, and kaien and ukitake, she didnt seem to have any friends in the division either. probably no friends in the kuchiki estate too, since the relationship between servant and owners is probably very much like royal families, very 'upstairs/downstairs' ... so for rukia to have a liking for kaien is pretty natural coz byakuya sure as hell isnt giving her the affection she's craving as a kid and a girl/woman i mean, he doesnt even look at her when she talks to him

    i think she also really like the wife, she seemed motherly from like the 5 seconds she was still alive so i think she just liked them both.

    how that you mention it hatti, seireitei is just full of bachelors!
  2. shattered
    i noticed that rukia treats ichigo with sort of the same attitude as kaien treated her, so in a way, kaien's influence is more fatherly. i think that's especially true for when ichigo lost to grimmjow because he was trying to suppress the hollow, and rukia punched him and dragged him away to beat some sense into him by putting him against a hollow and yelling as him and making him apologise to orihime. that seems like something that kaien would do to a disillusioned comrade
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Good points ... well, Rukia is older now, and she has been transformed by this awful event, the loss of a cherished colleague whom she might have loved. So she is even more wary of letting Ichigo put himself in harms way. As for her being bossy, well, I think that's just part of her personality and perhaps a bit of Nii-sama rubbing off on her.
  4. tina21
    Hi everyone....
    I don't think that the relationship between Ichi&Rukia is anything like that....if it was i think Orihime wouldn't look so sad when rukia made Ichigo apologize to her and generally bring him back to his senses....(btw i'm a huge fan of IchixRukia)
    It's just that with all this happening they haven't had the time to release their feeling
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I'm a big IchiRuki fan, too ... wait, are you saying you don't think it's a canon pairing? Hi, by the way
  6. hattivatti
    I support more IchigoxOrihime. They're so cute <3 After when Orihime said goodbye to Ichigo when she left to Hueco Mundo I've totally abandoned Rukia
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Bah, that whole Orihime thing totally came out of left field!! And IchiRuki's been building since day one
  8. shattered
    orihime's had a crush on ichigo since episode 1! how can that be a surprise?!
  9. arinna
    Ichigo and Orihime can be together if they want to, these are two characters i couldn't care less about i've got other pairing plans for Rukia

    besides, Orihime is clearly infatuated with Ichigo, while Rukia hides it very well if she has any romantic feelings for him. i see the IchiRuki thing as a very strong friendship, with potential to go beyond that, but with little signs of it.
  10. staces
    I love Ichigo/Rukia (as well as Renji/Rukia and a Renji/Rukia/Ichigo threesome! XD), and am not fond of Ichigo/Orihime even though I like her character. When she says goodbye to him and has that line about loving him in five different lifetimes I cry each time I watch/read it! ;_; But in the long run I just don't see them as compatible. Poor Orihime.
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