aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. hattivatti
    Keigo-fan here too! I'm surprised how many of you don't like the Karakura gang
  2. shattered
    we bleach fans seem to be always divided on some topic or another ... is there no agreement in anything?!
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    That's true, isn't it?!

    Ahh well of the Karakura gang I must point out that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tatsuki; I want to be Tatsuki, in fact, when I was that age, I was Tatsuki But Keigo and what's-his-name are sooo annoying and boring, I was right there with you arinna, yawning and rolling my eyes
  4. arinna
    @shattered it's called constructive criticism!

    yes, Tatsuki is interesting, too bad she has a thing for (bleh) Orihime. out of the human world bunch i pick Karin, she totally rocks!
  5. shattered
    i found it funny that there was an open lesbian among them

    karin is pretty cool! i hope her character gets developed more! it would be cool if she were in the next generation of shinigami
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ohhh I love Karin, too!! I know, I always forget who I pair Orihime with until I remember Tatsuki, hehehe <333
  7. hattivatti
    Just watched the latest episode and damn I liked it! I've missed Renji so much . And that scene with Shinigami Women's association at the end was hilarious
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Okay I'm going to d/l that one right now and watch it; screw the episodes I've missed!!! XDD
  9. shattered
    yes artemis, just watch the renji bits and the byakuya bit at the end ...
    we dont get to see much of him nowadays
  10. arinna
    i have to admit i haven't kept up with Bleach since the Ishida & Pesshe episode (156?), but i went and downloaded this one especially for the end
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