aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. staces

    Oh, I honestly didn't mean to at all be racist, really ^^;; I mean, I think when someone from a western society views a character like Orihime, a rounded character with both strengths and weaknesses (like any good three-dimensional character should have) we zero in on her flaws, the things that we view as "weakness". For someone who hates that kind of girl, it tends to be all that they see. Someone from a society that really reveres quiet, subtle strength and compassion and kindness, and really is OBSESSED with unrequited love (in yaoi, yuri and het) would more likely empathsize with that kind of character...

    If that all makes sense. ^^;; I didn't mean to say American views are superior, just different.

    And yes, a lot of the hatred does seem to stem from this being a YAOI place (which makes me very, very sad because it gives YAOI-lovers a bad name). But I've seen a good share of Orihime hate (and Hinamori hate) with the het fangirls too. Especially during ship-wars. ><

    I won't smack you for not loving the 11th so long as you don't smack me for not liking Byakuya XD
  2. shattered
    interesting points there staces

    i actually like pretty much all of the characters because ... this is bleach! all the characters make up the bleach universe and without them, it wouldnt be the same thing. but i think i get what you're talking about with the western points of veiws and everything. i think that power and strength are view differently in different cultures. i mean we like the heroes who never lose, and the bystanders who can't do anything but cry are seen as weak even if they do try their best (like hinamori still fought but not being strong enough compared to the likes of ichigo and the captains and being infatuated with aizen makes her unpopular >_<). it's likely that we might identity a bit of ourselves and our weaknesses in hinamori and kira (maybe even subconsciously) and rather than admit to it, we ending up not liking the character and sort of rejecting those traits from out mind as if to say that we're not like them

    i also think that japanese girls would identify with hinamori much more than westerners. the japanese also have a thing for childhood friends (i cant begin to count the number of those in the yaoi mangas ) so the relationship between hinamori and hitsugaya might also be another factor which makes them popular. hitsu 'genius' factor is another thing. they value smart-ness there, school is the most important thing to all the kids (or to the parents ) so i guess someone who is at the highest level (captain) younger than everyone else, and for some who might try all their lives and never reach that level, its an enviable position
  3. Shippou-chan
    I agree with you, shattered. I also like all of the characters - some more, some less. I always fall for the bad guys but I like the good guys as well. If we would feel the same for all characters, the story would be boring, right? To like charas much and "hate" others is what makes a good story.
  4. Cat-chan
    lol I hate the poll... srsly... Rukia 2nd and Ichigo 3rd? Yeah, for sure. >_>'
    *kicks hitsugaya out of the poll*
    Well, at least I can understand Grimmjow being in the Top 5...

    *sobs because renji isn't there*
  5. CelticMist
    I can't say I hate any charas. I find the girls in Bleach rather endearing to be honest. Rukia is the funny tomboy, Orihime is kinda cute and kind, and the boobie-godess playing mother hen for her taichou is down right hilarious.

    Ok, don't use the metal bats, but I like Hitsugaya....I'd like to press his head in my valley of the gods, too. but only to embarass him, cause - genius or not - he's still a snarky pre-teen. :3~

    And yes, I like Gin....he's refreshing. and now that he's turned into Aizen's housewife - wearing his Zanpakutou in his cleavage - he's even funnier.
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL Misty *reluctantly puts away her metal bat* No, really, I don't mind Hitsgaya; I just don't understand the mad fangirling obsession of the little brat! In fact I know I'd like him a WHOLE lot more if he WEREN'T as popular as he is. Isn't that weird?

    OMG Gin is such Aizen's bitch now! I never thought of that ... So used to thinking of GinKira ... but yeah. Hmmm ... no wonder he's always so happy!!
  7. CelticMist
    I don't get Hitsugaya's popularity either, really...it's prolly the promise of a hot AND intelligent guy when he grows up.

    yes, Gin has become a very merry fellow since taking residence in Las Noches. :333~ his voice is even more queer than before, he moves more cat-like, he shows more cleavage. what can we say, Aizen seems to be good for him. playing family with the arrancar-tachi
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Personally I think both Gin and Tousen are Aizen's bitches; that's why they dress in skimpier outfits now rawrr!!! Go Aizen!!
  9. shattered
    actually, once they go to hueco mundo, then aizen x gin is so much easier! no one to disturb them in the loong loooong hours of plotting their plans i mean, for aizen-sama, the selection of bed mates are severly limited compared to that of soul society. he's only got gin, tousen and the top ... 6 espada, one of which is just boobs (discounting yammi, aaroniero, black dude and the old old dude coz ... they're just not good looking enough >_< it should be just 5 since nnoi is also not that hot O_o)
  10. dealla
    I demand more screentime for Gin! He's so yummy acting like a good[naughty]teacher in the arrancar encyclopedia segment I agree ArtemisMS, he and Tousen are soooo teh Aizen's bitches! But that only makes Aizen an ubercool sugar daddy
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