aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shattered
    wow interesting tales there

    @hattivatti ~ i guess we owe dattebayo for something even though they abuse fans with their trolls

    @DarkMiasma ~ sorry i dont have any recommendation for you, i just dont like the pairing so i tend to not pay attention if there was a doujin with this pairing >_>

    if anyone's interested in another crack doujin, theres one where everyone's dressed in maid costumes ...
    here's a preview pic http://pics.livejournal.com/valkyrienova/pic/0000hwr7
    and you can get it from here - http://valkyrienova.livejournal.com/1436.html
  2. Nnoilalala
    Ooo stories! There were 3 things that got me into BLEACH (I kept leaving it X.D)

    I started with BLEACH when I first got into anime, I was typing anime and downloading whatever came up! BLEACH was one I watched, but I stopped after 20 episodes.

    eventually after getting into One piece I saw a lot of polls asking which is better (OP/Naruto/BLEACH) so I decided to give bleach another chance. and I did up to ep. 90, and loved it. But then I stopped watching after getting into Naruto, it kinda seemed boring in comparison back then~ so I kept it on hiatus.

    Finally I saw the BLEACH thread on here, I think I read a spoiler or something and then it was like, OH NOES A SPOILER, IT'LL BE SPOILED UNTIL I GET TO WATCHING IT. so I watched all the eps and read all the manga. and that was all X.D

    I got obsessed when I saw Grimmjow's released form.
  3. hattivatti
    @nekogal: I think I got obsessed with Grimmjow the second I saw and heard him first time <3

    Damn, now I can't concentrate properly on the manga 'cause I just keep worrying how's Grimmjow doing >.< Please Tite Kubo just tell me he'll be ok!
  4. Ice_Hime
    Well since everyone's telling how they got into Bleach then I guess I will too, I use to go to Bingo with my mom and after we got home I would turn it over to Cartoon Network or Adult Swim if you prefer. One night I was watching Trinity Blood and decided to stay up a little longer just to see what would be on next. After TB went off, Bleach came on and I instantly got into it and from there started my obsession with this wicked awesome anime.
  5. Nnoilalala
    hattivatti~ I fell in love with Grimmi the moment he spoke too *squee* suwabe!!

    but he only became my favorite and I became a fangirl after his release, I usually don't like my fav. characters straight away, it takes me a while to find a reason to like them ^_^
    otherwise, the ones I fall for straight away I get bored with eventually~
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I only started watching Bleach because Gintoki makes a reference to Ichigo's bankai in the first few episodes of Gintama So I decided to watch it.

    I got bored with it after seven or so episodes, then came back to it about a year later. It's actually a fairly decent anime, sometimes having me on the edge of my seat, but yet sometimes forcing me to fastforward through the entire episode *yawn*

    It's the fandom that really keeps my interest in this anime alive
  7. dealla
    ArtemisMS, I agree with your statement about the fandom, Bleach fans are the best. This show really appeals to all sorts of people, it's so unpredictable and has such a multitude of characters that anyone finds something interesting in it. For me, if Bleach wasn't so funny I don't think I would continue watching it. The story/plot really doesn't interest me much. But somehow the humor gets to me and I can't keep away form my weekly dose of it. Plus, all the hot bishies are just asking for attention, and boy don't we give them our attention!
  8. DarkMiasma
    Ok,sorry for butting in but does anyone think Aaroniero Arruruerie's voices sexy?
  9. shattered
    which one miasma-san? his kaien voice or the duo techno voices? of you like kaien's voice, join the ☆ Seki Toshihiko ☆ social group

    ok ... i just went on adultfanfic and one of the stories has this paring - kenpachi x grimmjow ................................ O_o ......................... do they even coverse?!?!?!? do they even have scenes together!?!?!?? do they even know of each others' *existence*?!?!?!?!
  10. DarkMiasma
    Oh yeah!!! <3

    Sorry,I LOVED Kaien's sexy voice but still I too adore Aaroniero Arruruerie's cute & hot techno voices <3 He's the coolest although he died in the hands of Rukia!!Oh,this is ironic,both of them are the best!

    P/S:Rukia too
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