aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    It's not really a spoiler XD Although I do wonder why Ken-chan is fighting ... who he's fighting ... where he's fighting I guess maybe a new arc has started in the manga. I'm a little tired of this Hueco Mundo business; I like Seireitei environment so much better and think the story should go back there
  2. CelticMist
    yeah, they should temi-chan. ^^ the Soul Society arc was the best after all ...
  3. siLentaNe
    I haven't dropped by here for a while ^^;. Whoa those are some hot pics . Thanks for sharing annieroo2
  4. DarkMiasma
    Oh,so,there's somebody who loved Soul Society's environment other than me.Good,Hueco Mundo is so dark & gloomy but that what Hollows are!
  5. shattered
    ep 156 ... LOL Ishida x Pesche
  6. DarkMiasma
    Lolz,they really are fated to be together.Nah,they're funny anyway ^^
  7. hattivatti
    ep 156 was maybe the funnies fight in loooooong time .

    Can't wait to read ch 306, now when the freak show is over maybe we get to see Ken-chan . (But really I'd like to know what will happen to Grimmjow now )
  8. CelticMist
    true, ep 156 kinda endeared Ishida to me.
    this arc is moving so slowly it's annoying. ><
  9. staces
    I agree! Right now I'm bored out of my mind. I like Ishida just fine and Rukia is my 3rd favorite character in the series (almost 2nd) so it's not because I don't like them when I say the last eps have been a total big ball of YAWWWWN! lol XD
  10. shattered
    i'm curious as to how people got into/started watching bleach in the first place?

    i got started into my first anime with naruto because some friend brought over some episodes and we started watching together. i was getting more episodes from dattebayo when i found that they also sub bleach too ... anyways i think i became a seiyuu chaser the moment i started animes because i saw on wiki that sasuke's voice was also some person in bleach, this 'ishida' person who looked somewhat nerdy in the picture ... i got curious and asked my friend for some episodes and started watching, and the moment i fell in love with bleach was that scene in episode 1 where ichigo's beating up those skate boarding punks because they knocked over the flower vase actually i remember the exact moment - it was that scene where ichigo did that cool and very gymnastic high kick into the face of the skateboarding dude in the middle from then i on thought that ichigo was awesome but somewhat like naruto with his occasional dimwittedness but now i love it way more than naruto
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