aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shattered
    errr ... i didn't really find them funny i think i just cant associate bleach with american voices so it was like watching bleach on mute and listening to some weird standup act O_o sorry, dont mind me, i guess im just not cut out for 'fun'.

    someone scanlated the puzzle doujin that i made a gif for a while ago. the scanlation was a bit of an amateur job by one person i think, not a group, but at least now we know what's being said and i guessed pretty close although i changed the plot to my own liking when doing the colouring

    @tiny ~ where have you been all this time? bleach has always been this sexy and now even more
  2. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL Okay, that was a little strange (but cute <3) it makes Hueco Mundo look like juuuust a barrel o' fun! where everyone just laughs and laughs and laughs And Aizen isn't just using them all to plot his destruction of the world XD
  3. shattered
    but it was cute! how everyone was like "we approve!!" and ulqui just said "it was just a kiss". *huggles poor grimmjow*
  4. Cat-chan
    *runs- stops- squeeeeee*
    Does anybody have pics of Nel (only read the spoiler if you're up-to-date with the manga blabla)
  5. CelticMist
  6. Cat-chan
    uwww thx *-*
  7. staces
    OMG you guys manga chapter 306 is out, who else is excited about what's gonna be happening with Ken-chan soon? XDDDD
  8. CelticMist
    don't spoil T____T
  9. staces
    I didn't spoil! There's nothing to spoil yet, other than the focus will be going back to his fight soon. =3
  10. annieroo2
    My only contribution this week new pics to the photoalbum. Hope you all enjoy.
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