aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. katsbrainwarp
    Well I wouldn't actually call my self a scholor ar anything (you can tell by my spelling). But I do love to beable to discussand learn new things anychance I get. So I'll try my best to keep up.

    heehee: I think I'm stalking you now ().

    As far as religion goes for me. I don't believe in it. That's not to say that I'm an athiest though (I get that a lot). I don't believe that there should be one certain way to live your life. I mean even religion it's self changes with the times. Plus there's a lot of points from a bunch of different religions that I think are good. I do believe in a "higher" power so to say, that helps guied us (I've seen to many things not to believe it).

    My main thing that drives me in life is the golden rule. "Treat others the way you want to be treated". besides there are too many people that claim to be "religious" then do horrible things that would go against their religion. But in their eyes They atone for it by simply claining religion.

    Hope this made sence and doesn't offend anyone. This is simply my opinion.
  2. Wolfje87
    @katsbrainwarp: Wow. *applouse!* I agree with you on most of it. There is just so much that bad **** that happens, that I don´t believe the idea of a god pulling the strings. Or it would be a major bastard... *sorry if offend anyone, I don´t mean to!* I just believe in something, and weave my way between all kinds of religions. I love the Cgristmas play hough (the story and the songs ^^") so I do go to those plays in church now and again... But for the rest I like the Wiccan ideas of nature/ or the earth as god (mother earth, so to speak).

    About being gay and religion... I hear from some people how they have been banned by their familie and sometimes the whole community because their religion says it´s "unnatural" (as an animal management student I do not agree with that idea, since some species have a homosexuallity rate of 60%). I dont think very religious people would accept a Yaoi addict easilly... ^^"
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ohhh whoa, careful guys, we aren't supposed to discuss religious beliefs on this forum Though I think it's okay to have an intelligent discussion about how the various religious organization deal with the issue of homosexuality. But let's be careful not to state our own personal beliefs or make negative comments towards any system of belief.

    On the other side of the spectrum, the Episcopal Church has been enthusiastically friendly towards gay folks. Of course it schismed recently, when that bishop came out. A lot of the people I work with attend the gay-friendly branch of the Episcopal Church.

    I'm really wary about going down this road in pursuit of discussion, but on the other hand, I'm a little excited that we ARE actually DISCUSSING, so ... Just be careful
  4. Wolfje87
    Ow, I´m sorry. ^^" I´m not against anything and I have many religious friends (all kinds of religions), so really everyone should just love and like what he/or she should, neh? Ignore my opinion then , please. ^^

    @Artemis Moonsong: I heard of the Episcopal Church on television. It's not really known here in the Netherlands though. It sounded like a promising religion though. ^^

    Ok, I'll drop the subject now then. Sorry again. ><
  5. katsbrainwarp
    Well then to be on the safe side maybe we should chose a different topic. What's something profound but safe to talk about?
  6. moon_child
    "profound but safe"? lol! interesting.
    history? i think history is safe. XD
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    History? What about history?

    Historical yaoi couples ... Alexander and Hephaestion I don't like because Alex was so eff-ing promiscuous it ain't funny I do like David and Jonathan ... um ... of course David had like a bazillion wives (okay, 4) but Jonathan was his One True Love XDDD

    Any historical (well, wrong term) novels that contain yaoi? I've read Dorian Gray ... blergh, sad. Has anyone read Maurice or Brideshead Revisited? (I haven't yet).
  8. Wolfje87
    I love Alexander & Hphaistion, although I must say I'm a much bigger Begoas fan (gves nice discussions with my roomy, who is a Hepaistion fan ^^"). Not much known about him though... (but I loved 'The persian boy' by Mary Renault).
    And there's also Achilles & Patrocles (although they supposedly were nephews -uch, the ancient Greek...-) ^^
    Hm, Dorian Grey's great too. Very sad indeed. Weird too (loved it ^^). What's Maurice or Brideshead Revisited about? Sounds interesting. ^^
  9. heehee
    I read the satiricon, first novel ever written said my teach. It's about two guys being in love with a third one, who is young and swart and uses the two others to get what he wants... funny and pretty easy to read to when you think about how old it is (can't remember...ai!)
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Hmmm, not exactly sure of the exact date of the Satyricon, but it was written during the reign of Nero, so ... supposedly Petronius pissed him off with his depiction of him in his "novel" so he had to commit suicide

    Brideshead Revisited, well, they made a movie about it recently starring Emma Thompson ... you should watch it Maurice was made into a movie, too; it stars Hugh Grant, but alas, I haven't watch either one.

    Talking about the Romans makes me think of their obsession with pederasty; I mean, isn't the boyfriend in the Satyricon like 15?! And then you have "the Persian BOY." It's a little weird, you know? I wonder if adult male x adult male was less accepted than adult male x boy.
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