My goal in life (or at least the summer) is to type in Korean. Unfortunately.... MAJOR FAIL. I only have plain English letters on my keyboard so it gets so frustrating when I can't remember which character is which key. T-T Anyone else have this problem? Or is it that I just can't get the hang of it?? Do you guys have a solution?? 사랑해 [I love you.] <-That took me so long to type. T-T P.S. I know this has nothing to do with yaoi but what's with a little bonding over mutual failings?? xD
my goal in life is to learn korean.. i can read some.. but i don't know what it means. i'm 29 i'm a failure!!
I've also started learning to speak korean but I've been learning since Eugene's Wonderful Life days,so yeah..Been 4 years and I only can understand the most basics >_<
oh wow. i guess i don't feel so bad now i know my mom is sick of me asking her what certain things mean. i am trying to watch tons of kdramas and kmovies in hopes it will just sink in lol
Here: Just print it and stick it on your keyboard. Should help you learn quicker.