aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Embracing Love

  1. sweetvcanday
    Hello everyone, I'm new to the group and just wanted to say hi!
  2. YaminoTenshi
    sweetvcanday and i hope you will enjoy your time among us
  3. noone
    what's HAPPENING to love&voice????????????

    i need a haru wo fix... and some boku no koe too...
  4. asya
    hi, i'm new here. Well... i like haru o daiteita. in fact i like all Nitta arts.
  5. YaminoTenshi
    asya hope you enjoy yourself here
  6. Demeter
    I must say I lost hope with Love & Voice, I only wish that another scanteam continues their projects
    --> seems like a very complicated scanteam
  7. noone
    ... but harudaki is doing CS now, and i think they're rescanlating vol 5 of haru (is that right? or am i making a confusion here) - so aren't some of the guys in harudaki over in l&V too?

    ... what i really wanted to ask was, wasn't there supposed to be some nitta chapter in this last ed of bboy gold? i was expecting a haru chapter...

    i can't find a calendar on the nitta comm, are there some release schedules to be had anywhere? just so i can be on the lookout for the chapters when/if they DO come...

    no boku no koe in AGES
  8. Demeter
    I must say I don't know, I'm completely lost
    Why the harudaki group rescanlate vol.5? I didn't follow the whole idea, sorry ^^;;

    You can find the schedules on Youka Nitta's site, I always go there to understand more or less what's released and what isn't (that's why I'm totally depressed with BnK, I really hope more chapters will come, at least to make a third vol. )
    Unfortunately, it seems her site hasn't been updated for some time now, anyway the next Haru chapter will be in BBG 8, June 28th; and Koushi's story also continues (she works for 3 magazines, and makes the covers for another one!!!! ) Anyway, to see more BnK, we have to see less HwD as they are published in the same mag.
  9. noone
    ... i can see why they're re-doing vol 5 (it's the insert from the casino lily charas, and it was poorly scanlated the first time, the raws were small and rather grainy... so all the hard work was pretty much wasted on them. i hate that volume, i wonder if it's because the scans were so low q.)

    ... but do you have any idea why L&V stopped altogether? they said they were taking march off and now it's been april and may too...

    to choose between boku and haru?!!!!!!!!

    i can't choose!!

    at least we're getting some secret diplomacy... koushi!
  10. Demeter
    ???? The Casino Lily characters? I'm pretty sure they appear in vol.6, with the marriage chapter... Isn't vol.5 the Winter Cicada one? I mean with 3 other chapters... I love these chapters btw, and it's true indeed! It's true that the scanlation wasn't really good, the edition was so-so... Yay I'm happy now, I really love the 2 first chapters (if I remember well it's the one with Asano --> as you know, I have a thing for unsecure Iwaki + the one at the hot springs I must download them then XDD)

    Hum... it seems that the L&V boss has some problems, is very busy... I don't know anything else^^;; But it would be good, if the translations are done, that they release at least one chapter, be it Haru, Boku or Otodama...

    Edit: downloaded the vol.5 1st chap. and... the scanlation is great!!! The scans and edition are a lot better, the translation is good too <33333 *happy*
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