aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

*~French touch~*

  1. Grenouille
    Good night Anger <3

    And welcome new member ^^
  2. JulesM
    Welcome Who_35 !
    You know I won't take screens of you Gren dear, I don't want to die yet xD

    So, French food ... *is eating "nougat de Mont&#233;limar"* There's a lot of sweets too. And beer ! Yay ! BEER !
    Er, and ...
    No, France sucks, let's go to Belgium. To eat "french" fries, and drink beer. that's what "healthy life" means to me
  3. Grenouille
    But I was thinking... (yes I do think sometimes -_-) in France we have the "french kiss"
    I never understood why "french" because everybody does that -_-
  4. Lifthrasir
    LOL !

    Welcome Who_35 !

    And french beers aren't that great... I mean, they taste like sh** after you've tried belgian or german beers ^^
  5. JulesM
    That's so true Lift xD

    I don't know Gren ... It would be interesting to know ^w^
  6. Lifthrasir
    Perhaps because it looks so depraved (no, it doesn't, but I'm trying to find a reason....^_^) that foreigners thought "it can be only but french !" Nope ?
    Or perhaps it was a "frank kiss", that is, a real true kiss, and degenrated in french kiss...

    Let's begin a contest of the most stupid explanation of all !!

    (And I'm going to get a hefe, soon ^^)
  7. JulesM
    (Aw, bring some here ^w^)

    Perhaps it's because they think it's ... romantic ? xD (Ok, that was stupid)
    Or maybe the first couple to kiss like that was a french one ?
    Maybe a french taught it to someone, and then ...
    Hey, that's a stupid question ...

    But here are some answers :
    In french : http://www.guichetdusavoir.org/ipb/i...showtopic=9799
    And i'm too lazy to translate it, i'll let someone else do it ... Thank you.
  8. Lifthrasir
    Yay, but actually, why do we keep on dwelling on that "french kiss", and not on something like the "french blow" ? It's a bit more... thrilling (well, I suppose, huh ^^). Perhaps because it should be rated PG17 (or something like that, I don't really know...)

    As for the beer, I brought some here... Although it's not French, I think it can make a pretty good appetizer ^^
  9. kumi-kun
    beer 0_0

    why beeerr? XD
    oh yes my comments are totally pointless
    and you guys hit the FREAKING 88 0_0

    3 more members to keep the group :3

    I totally need some 'french' love :o
    gimme a kiss!
  10. Grenouille
    "Et les touristes am&#233;ricains qui en prirent plein la vue lors de leurs incursions dans la Ville lumi&#232;re s'en retourn&#232;rent chez eux indign&#233;s du comportement des Fran&#231;ais, &#171;ces obs&#233;d&#233;s&#187;."

    Isn't that so funny Jules?
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