aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. dharmaserenity
    Lovenpeace, what is TVXQ? I'm sure it is blatantly obvious but I'm lost lol.
  2. nemine
    hahhaa you're not the onlyone who's lost.. i wonder what it is..
  3. eliddell
    Alternatives to Gila Queen's guide (if anyone's interested): duotrope.com and ralan.com (the latter is oriented towards science-fiction/fantasy/horror, although many of the publishers it lists do handle other genres in addition to those). Duotrope is supposedly updated daily.

    (And I'm also wondering what the heck TVXQ stands for . . .)
  4. dharmaserenity
    Oooh, thanks for the ralan.com link. I hope to someday soon put it to good use.
  5. eliddell
    I would too, if I could just finish something worth trying to sell . . .
  6. Nachtwind
    haven't viewed this group for a really long time
    oh and nem joined *tackles and hugs*
  7. dragonkat216
    Hello, hello. New blood here (don't hurt me). I've only gotten into the writing scene recently (mostly fanfiction) but I'm hoping to do more. Just wanted to introduce myself and all.
  8. dharmaserenity
    Hi Dragonkat and Elidell, I know, finishing something isn't so easy. I think for me it is self doubt.
  9. eliddell
    ::Waves hello to dragonkat::

    The problem isn't so much that I can't finish anything as that anything I do finish is either fanfic or falls into the "really weird yaoi hentai category" (BDSM of various flavours, one mpreg that I wrote as a sort-of joke, and then there was that piece I wrote in the second person as an exercise), and I'd be embarassed to look for a publisher for it. o_o;
  10. nemine
    nmh i never finish anything D:

    heya dragonkat *waves*
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