aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. shigrl
    I have a friend who is a plot person. At times I envy her because she can sit down at any time and write. I once wrote a short story called "Post Cards" about the times when characters send you those little snips of what they are doing but not much. So you wish you were there.

    Hey Sonny, just keep going back. I feel we are rather like poor boxers. We get knocked down by writers block or other problems but we just keep getting up and writing more.
  2. nemine
    heh.. hey all.. *nervous* i decided to join.. although I'm not much of a writer.. ^^;
  3. shigrl
    Hi Nemine, welcome
  4. nemine
    thanks ^-^
  5. dharmaserenity
    Shigrl, the story idea of postcards sounds really interesting.

    Hi Nemine.
  6. shigrl

    Yeah but with my strange twisted mind, I turned it into more of a horror about the writer not listening to the characters and their revenge. So the cards were warning from the one character who was trying to save the person by basically hinting that some of the details were actually bringing the writer more to her doom.

    It was rather like what would the people who are the characters in horror movies do if they could get back at the person that put them in the position.

    It did start out tame and it might get there again in revision. I think it was mostly because I was in a writing group with someone who thought it was fun to do horrible things to characters for no reason and when we objected, basically said so what they aren't real I can do anything I want.

    It might be fun to post ideas and have everyone write what comes to mind and see where the ideas lead us. *Just another twisted thought*
  7. nemine
    oh.. twisted minds.. *___*

    that really does sound interesting.
  8. shigrl
    well, I just got issue #148 of Gila Queen's guide to markets, so I am off to see if I can make any money, Cha ching!

    If anyone else wants to look at a good market guide (up to date too unlike Writer's Digest Guide to Market) then subscribe to Gila Queen. It is online and it has great links. Don't know the last update of the website (think her husband used to do that more) but the market reports are emailed to subscribers.
  9. dharmaserenity
    Cool, I'll check it out. I could stand to make a little cha ching myself. *grumble grumble*
  10. loveNpeace
    Hi. I was browsing around and found this little club ^^. (Maybe not so little)
    I like to write TVXQ couple fanfics mwahahha. dooyoo.livejournal.com
    wahaha.... BYE
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