aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. elkica
    @eliddell: Nod nod on the no rules in writing and I did say that I use the ‘rules’ as a guide lines. And I know about my English grammar, sorry about that, but on the other hand my wish of improving it actually lead me toward writing the stories, so even thought my English still sucks (not that my first language is any better) it’s actually a little better.

    I was asking is somebody else is noticing that character’s thoughts suck the reader in the story quicker and I’m actually interested (the ones that noticed that) if they are using this in their story. I just wanted to debated a little about it and maybe about how on the other side, if you use narrative too much, the flow of the story is weaker; but it seems to me that nobody here is interested in a little talk like that, so I guess, I will just drop the subject.
  2. Robee
    @elkica: Are you referring to Protagonist as Narrator?

    You mean like Holden Caulfield did in 'Catcher in the Rye' ,or Raoul Duke; 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', or Alex in 'Clockwork Orange'.
  3. elkica
    @robee: Well now that I think about it it could apply to that too. I usually write only in 3.person POV, but I guess if you write in the 1.person POV is lot like using a lot of thoughts in 3.person's POV.
    Well, I myself always write in 3.person POV and I follow that 'rule' action, reaction and I think that my stories have quite strong flow because of that, but I do have to work more on the sucking in the reader thing and well, I though I would do that with adding more thoughts of my character beside the description of action.
    The best thing of course would be to start the story with a big bang, but no matter how much I try to do that, I always seem to end with a slow start, building things with progression of the story.

    Well, this actually doesn't answers your question, does it and I don't really know if I made any sense. Have to admit that I never read any of the stories that you listed, even though have heard about the Catcher in the Rye and know the plot of the story, so I don't really know the structure of those stories.
  4. Robee
    @elkica: For myself, I like to take the reader by the hand and walk them into my world. I write in a 'visual narrative' style; I like to draw a picture in the mind of the reader and place that setting in a emotional context. By doing so I can invoke an emotional response in the reader and give them something to connect to the story.
    Which is easy to write in third person but when you write as the protagonist you have to limit your field of vision to accommodate the character and the story. Then it becomes an exercise in self-exploration on the characters part and for the reader ourselves because we ("the readers") are taking the journey with them. It can be rewarding in the end, even if the conclusion is negative. It can be challenging>but rewarding.
  5. Paputsza
    Hi. I just do(finish) poetry. However I joined this group mainly as spam. PLEASE WOULD SOMEONE WRITE A GOOD SCRIPT FOR ME, A NATURAL WRITER WITH AN EYE FOR A DEVELOPED PLOT, I'm just an artist, a mere and lonely artist. thanks love.
  6. elkica
    @robee: Yeah. I noticed that, and I have to say your discriptions are really great and poetic.
    @Paputsza: Hi! I'm a spam too. Hope you will find what you are looking for.
  7. FatesPuppet
    I just joined here and wanted to say hello. I'm looking around at all the posts to see who's here and what's going on =) I was really excited about finding this group and hope to be an active participant. (That is if life will let me *laughs*)
  8. FatesPuppet
    Just a little something...

    Twilight Interlude

    I sit, waiting for the light to change,
    poised on the precipice of a moment.
    Anticipating, the exquisite perfection
    of the day's submission to the night.
    For one glorious moment, intertwined
    in a tapestry of brilliant hue.
    Trembling together, this too brief interlude,
    before the light succumbs to darkness
    and lies to rest once more.
  9. WingsofaDream
    Hello all

    Just giving a quick introduction since I just joined ^_^

    I've been a writer since I was 14 and I've been writing yaoi since I was 17. I mostly write fanfiction but I also do my fair share of original stuff as well. I have an original one-shot posted here:


    Please feel free to have a peek if you have the time ^_^
  10. cronomage389
    If anyone wants to check out a WIP for an original story. Here's my update for it
    it's about two people in Japan hoping to succeed in the world and in love
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