aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Robee

    @everybody: Well here it is. Chapter 2, Part I of "Breathe"

    @Daniela and elkica: Welcome to the 'Club'

    @loveusender: "Imouto-chan I'm so glad you decided to 'take the plunge'.
  2. elkica
    Thank you for the welcome.
    I am interested *didn't went to look the history, too lazy* do you here talk also about the structure of the stories and about tips about writing. I have read some books about writing but I don't have anybody to talk abou them.
  3. Honeykissfire
    Oh! More people!
  4. eliddell
    ::waves to newcomers::

    @elkica: We can talk about that sort of thing if you'd like. Anything in particular you'd like to discuss?
  5. Robee
    @elkica: Yes we do from time to time. We discuss writng styles, techniques for alleviating the frustration of writers block, feedback (direct/indirect) of what we've posted here on 'Aarin', sharing resources on writer's forums on the web, exploring the legalities of 'fan-fiction', web publication...etc.

    I'd say we're pretty 'rounded here'? At least from my perspective?
  6. duoxheero
    Hello, it has been a while sense i have been on. i love to write. i write fan fiction, short stories, but my passion is poetry. This is the first group i have joined sense being a part of aarinfantasy. Well here's to writing.
  7. duoxheero
    I feel that you need a shoulder to cry on
    I feel that you are being overwhelmed
    I feel that circumstances are controlling you
    I feel you need someone to talk to
    I feel you need warm arms to wrap you in there embrace
    I feel I must let you know that I am here

    a poem i wrote for a friend
  8. elkica
    @eliddell: Well, you know that rule: show, don't tell and resist the urge to explain and I agree with both rules, have been using them as a guide line for a long time now. But lately I have been noticing that telling, explaining character’s thoughts draws reader into the story quicker, at least from my point of view and I’m wondering if it’s just me that sees that.

    @Robee: That’s sounds like very wide range. Great.

    @:duoxheero: I really like your poem, it very consoling.
  9. eliddell
    @elkica: First of all, there are no "rules" in writing. The things you're quoting are at best guidelines, and they need to have "except when it's best for the story" tagged on at the end.

    Whether explaining a character's reasons for thinking what he's thinking is a good idea or not depends on a lot of things, including the type of point of view you're using and how badly the reader really needs to know the information. (I'm assuming that I'm correctly understanding what you were talking about--your grammar's kind of iffy in spots, and it's making what you're saying difficult for me to follow . . . If you've got an example handy, it might help clarify matters.)
  10. cronomage389
    Updated Aquarius, finished chapter 16 : )
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