aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. yaoifanboy17
    @Robee: thanx
  2. subrosa
    NaNoWriMo is probably a nice place to start I think. It's basically a writing marathon that takes about one month... during that month you just write and write and write without looking back at what you have written. At the end of the month, your novel should be at least 50.000 words long. After that, you can review your story and edit all you want because then at least you'll have written something and you can continue on from there.

    I think the idea of NaNoWriMo is really cool and in my opinion, writers should write like more often, because if you have to edit every chapter immediately after writing it, there's a good possibility that new, good ideas are lost in the mean time. And even if you think you've made a huge mistake in setting or plot, sometimes you find out how to correct it halfway through the story, making an even better story that what you've thought of before...
    Ah well... that's just me talking anyway
  3. Robee
    @subrosa: 'Writing Marathon'? Wouldn't work for myself.

    Everthing I would write would read as 'forced' and in the end would be contrite on my part.
  4. foxytroy
    @subrosa: I wouldnt say finish it up and blabbler all u want. Editing from the beginning would possibly ruin the drift of things and change the outcomes.
  5. subrosa
    well no, I'm not saying 'blabber all you want' you can't write a story without a plot and character development, it's just that if you keep editing your story when you're writing in NaNoWriMo, you'll never reach the 50.000 words at the end of the month.
    You just need to write your story to the best of your capabilities and edit it in december I suppose, at least, that's what the creators of NaNoWriMo say.
  6. yami_venus
    I don't edit my story as I write it. When I get stuck I skip ahead to the next scene. Then when I run out of ideas for scenes I go back and start editing and finishing up the scenes that are unfinished. I always think up more ideas for scenes when I'm doing the editing and then whole thing starts over.
  7. cronomage389
    If anyone would like to read my poems, I actually updated with a new one^^

    Cronomage's Poetry
  8. Robee
    @yami_venus: I do something similiar with my writing. I write a simple paragraph. Then go back later to 'build up' or 're-edit' what I have written. By doing so, I eliminate repetition of similar phrases or words.
  9. believe09
    eeeeeekkkkk!!!!!! I got my score from that writing test I had to take a while back! I got a 320 out of 350! I'm soooo happy! *starts dancing around the room*
  10. Honeykissfire
    Hi hi! new person here! How's everyone?
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