aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Robee
    @ Hi Re1na. Welcome to the Writer's Group. I hope you can find us helpful in your endeavours as a writer.

    @ExoticChocolat: I just finished reading the first two posts of "Will You Be My Sky?" .
    I love it when you let your main character set up the scene. I have to write in a detailed narrative ("visual script") in third person because I would like to illustrate my stories in a manga format someday. I look foward to reading your next post/chapter.
  2. heimeko
    Yo! I like to group together words and call em' a story... mostly BL. I am new to this site all together and I am glad that they have a place for writers! looking forward to see what other have written and hope that someone will look forward to mine when I eventually post.

    bye bye for now
  3. Yusuichi
    Hello all, It is great to be here for the very first time. I see quite a few competitions on here for writers who want to do 100 to 200 word drabbles on their chosen Yaoi, and now that I've participated in some, it's made me want to do more.
    So what would you guys and gals want to see written?
    I'd love to see some suggestions!
  4. mindless
    Hi everybody! I'm new to this group so please don't eat me alive, will ya?
    I started writing at age twelve but didn't finish anything and didn't let someone read it, because of the BL-stuff I thought I must be a bit crazy in the head, you know?! But joining this forum might be the best thing that could've happend to me. I really woud like to post some story, but it's all written in german aaaand not finished, and after work I'm just too damn tired to use my mind in a creative way... Puh, now i feel somehow lighter, thx everybody for being here, I'm glad i joined See ya all
  5. believe09
    HI, there! I'm new here. Anyways, how do you all recover from writer's block? And, what are some strategies you use to finish writing one thing before moving on to another? I started writing about 4 different poems at one time and now I can't finish them. What should I do?
  6. Re1na
    Hi!!! My little before night night rabble...

    @Robee: Thank you for your lovely welcome! XD

    @heimeko: Welcome! and I dont know, all the welcome words. It's nice to have you to join us! XD

    @Yusuichi: I, myself is currently writing 2 BL stories on aarin. One in progress, the other started and am going to pick it up again after I finish my first one. But you know what I would really want to read, a time travelling story. I haven't found any good BL time travelling story, where the character goes back in time and all that jazz. Just an idea, but if you dont write it, I might. XP

    @mindless: I am like that too. I start and never able to finish, mostly because I am lazy and forgets the story after a period of time. I understand how you feel, when I write my story. I think in my first language and somehow the words are English. hmm... weird. and welcome for joining us! XD

    @believe09: how I work out a writer's block is, I leave it for a while and go other things. Then I go back to the original piece of work. Sometimes that doesn't work so well, so I often uses the other method. Since you write poems, so go read poetry, and get motivated. Once you have the motivation, you can do anything and pick up your work again. Hope that helps.

    Anyhow, I am going to sleep now. Night!!!!
  7. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    Hello New guy here ^^,
    I never realized there was a writers group here on Aarin ^^. I just wanted to say hi.

    A bit about myself . I write Yaoi, Fanfiction mostly (naruto... yes one of those guys again ^^) Actually I only wrote one fiction so far (it has near to a thirty chapters and more then a 170 pages ^^)

    So I hope everything is o.k. here?

    And the writers block problem? Just wait until it blows over. At least that is what I end up doing. Just doing things completely unrelated to the topic then suddenly the inspiration hits you. You can't force it to pass, you just have to bare the pain. A writers block is only your 'inspiration' (if you will) telling you that it has been overused and needs some time to recharge ^^ (or at least that is the way I look at it.) So the best thing to do is to relax.

    Still I'm glad to be here. Hope you guys (and girls) are doing fine and everything is o.k. ^^. And I wish a lot of creativity to you all ^^.
  8. Yusuichi
    Hi Re1na - I will bear that idea you had in mind for one of my stories.
    Thanks so much for that! ^ ^

    @ MC Denno,
    Recovering from writers block is awful - ive been through it for a few times.
    I think the things you write about can come at any time as influences and inspiration, usually when you dont have a pen and paper handy too.
  9. believe09
    @Re1na: thanks for the advice. In fact, I'll go do that right now.

    @MC Denno: Sometimes, I wait it out and it does blow over. However, this isn't one of those times. It's been like a month since I've written anything outside of my Lit. class and I'm going completely insane because of it. I usually write every single day.
  10. Robee
    @believe09: Writer's block,huh?
    When I get stuck I do what Re1na suggested and focus on something else then come back to it.
    Go for a walk and clear your mind! Take a small notebook with you. They say a picture is worth a thousand words'; take a camera with you for a walk and photograph of something that caught your eye.

    Purge: No, I don't mean vommit! Try getting rid of some of the useless excess baggage in your brain like 'silly thoughts' and make something useful of them. One of the reasons I created "Facetious" is to purge my silly thoughts in a constructive manner. Secondly, to break the monotony of forcing myself to be serious all the time in coming up some 'new idea' or 'plot twist' for a story. Finally, its just plain fun for myself/the members to 'get nuts', 'cut loose' and do something 'off the wall'. Plus I love the positive feedback I get from some of the members.

    Another way I 'Purge', is I keep a file on my computer just to purge my thoughts on. Nothing special. Just a list of random words and/or sentences: the first thing that pops into my head whether it be 'obscentities' or something 'unconsciously brilliant' I may use later.

    Don't force it to happen. Relax. Put some music on, watch a movie or clean your bathroom. Devert your focus from writing for a bit and just live your life-inspiration will come from the unlikely of places or the familiar spaces.

    Plus there are some great threads in the 'Forum Games' and 'Everything Else' that are great 'writer exercises' in spontaneity.

    @MC Denno. Welcome to the 'WritersClub!', I hope we can be of service to you in your endeavours as a writer.
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