aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Rukin
    @ExoticChocolat: aaaaw *huggels*
    poor you *runs of to get chocolate*
    here, will this make you feel better?
    @moichi: yayz! *glomps*
  2. eliddell
    @ExoticChocolat: ::patpat:: There, there. I used to lose a page every six months or so to a computer crash, so I know how you feel. Autosave functions are your friend.
  3. moichi
    @rukin: how are you my dear?
  4. sweetschelene
    new to the group, hope to get inspired, having writer's block.
  5. Passhenette1
    hi everyone!
    @sweetschelene-Sorry to hear that! My prob is I have too many ideas than I can't finish any 1 project. lol
  6. sweetschelene
    sorry to have left so soon. I had that same problem until my writings started to run into one another so I had to learn some control, talk about hard!!!!
  7. Passhenette1
    oh yah- I know what you mean! I was using a wrong character name for several pages in one story and had to go back and reedit! Then had to check the other story to make sure I hadn't switched anything -annoying and confusing
  8. sweetschelene
    I think I may have broken my writer's block, not quite sure yet I am still in shock!!!
  9. blkandslvrangel
    Hey all! I just joined this group... hope to make a few friends and exchange ideas and the like! Nice to meet you all!

    @ExoticChocolat: I know exactly how you feel... at least about mishaps involving both computers and father-figures. My dad accidentally wiped our entire computer (a couple years worth of work for both of us) in his attempt to load Linux on the other half of our desktop machine. That was quite a few years ago now, but I can still remember the absolute devastation that I felt at the time.

    Don't worry... you'll find your inspiration again soon.
  10. ExoticChocolat
    @everyone :thanks you guys :]
    I'm sure once I'm finished with any form of school work I'l be able to concentrate on my stories again and finish them.
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