aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Lent
    I really only write KakaIru, but that's because I love them too much. I would like to write a Gravitation fanfic some time though.
  2. yerisina
    I finally decided to join.. hopefully you'll accept me.
    When I was 18 I stared an original fiction, though I didn't really get far.
    I've never been interested in fanfiction though... well, before I became Naruto addict.

    I read a lot (mostly SasuNaru/NaruSasu.. sometimes other pairings). In september 2007 I started my first Naruto FF, because I just had an idea I wanted to write down.
  3. blue_genjutsu
    I've written a one-shot SaiNaru that was only smut and a multi-chaptered KibaNaru (first fanfic) and one of ShikaNaru. And just one completed SasuNaru. I wanted to do the rarer Naruto pairings because they were rare, which is why my first three stories were not SasuNaru. I still want to write a GaaNaru and a NejiNaru one day. I do love KakaIru though, lent, just only read them as a secondary pairing though.
  4. blue_genjutsu
    Glad to see you here, yerisina! What is the pairing you are writing in your Naruto fanfic?
  5. Xylara
    Okies, blue, I posted the first part of my epic SasuNaru fanfic down in the forums and on my fiction site. The title is "Shadow Dance" and the first part is very short. Gonna try hard to keep it updated once a week if possible, though next week may be rough cuz I'm getting my tonsils out! Wah
  6. blue_genjutsu
    I'll go read it!! Poor thing, about the tonsils being taken out!
  7. yerisina
    @ blue
    It'll be NaruSasuNaru or SasuNaruSasu.. I haven't decided yet. XD
  8. blue_genjutsu
    I'll be happy to read either since both Naruto and Sasuke get the chance to top, yerisina! I do read some NaruSasu, but I have to really like the story to put up with Sasuke being only on the bottom.
  9. shigrl
    Hello everyone.

    I am a writer. I have had a small piece published in a small press magazine. Over the Christmas break I have been working on my fiction. I revised (rewrote) two short fiction pieces from around 10 pages to 22 and 25 respectively. I am finishing up revising, (tonight and tomorrow, XD) my novella which might be around 60 pages for starters.

    I write mostly SF although my friend called it Imagist Dark Prose (which I thought was just too cool), so yeah I have a lot of strange characters and divine and not so divine retribution sometimes. Sometimes the bad guy wins (as in Blues for Mr. Death).

    I am just getting interested in BL and have an idea for a novel but I am looking at some of the great writers here and not wanting to jump in just yet. (Living up to my name)
  10. Lent
    Lol, shigrl, do jump in, I did that too and I think the first fanfics I ever wrote won prizes in that contest Miko did and I was like 'Whoa', never expected that. And besides, it's great to get feedback at times and this forum is very good for that.
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