aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. ExoticChocolat
    lol i know what you mean, i do the same. But I usually start a new story when I get on a tough writer's block on one of my main stories... >.<

    I shall check out your link now. :B
  2. moichi
    oooh thanks!

    lol if i add up the stories i'm writing at the minute it's about 5-6
    but if i add up all the stories i've ever started but never finished its must be into the 30's lol
  3. ExoticChocolat
    About your story, I like your idea and what is happening so far. [I like it alot..hehe.]

    Though I must say there quite a few grammar errors, like you had a few run-ons, or some sentences went like the one I bolded in the passage below. Remember commas are writer's good friends. Do you use grammar check? Because that is also a useful tool. [Sometimes I get angry at it when I can't figure out whats wrong with one of my sentences. You see my biggest weakness is that I have the tendency to write sentence fragments. >_>]

    And not to mention some words were not fully written.
    an example would be in one of the passages instead of typing the word "around" you typed "round"

    Read over your story, look for the spelling errors I speak of, and there is a mistake that I must mention.

    I think it is a typo but I can't be too sure. :P
    In this passage:
    "His eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright and stared about. For a moment his vision blurred, and then he started to see a luxurious looking and well-furnished room. He was in a huge four-poster double bed made with linen and cotton sheets. Opposite him at the end of the bed was a cupboard supporting a wide-screen TV compact with a DVD player, and on the other side of the room there were three doors, a table and three chairs, two sofas and a few ransom shelves."

    where I have underlined and bolded you typed "ransom" instead of random.

    Don't forget to read over the story to make everything makes sense. What is really helpful is to read it aloud as you go along so you don't make as many mistakes. Also broaden your vocabulary and be more descriptive so the picture can be seen alot more clearer. [I am huge when it comes to description. XD]

    Well that is my critique/advice. :]
    I am anxious to see what happens next in the third part of the story.
  4. eliddell
    ::Sigh:: I've been at this so long that I've written for, um, fifteen or so different anime fandoms, around half a dozen video game fandoms, one fandom that doesn't fit either category, and produced enough really twisted original yaoi short stories that I could almost fill a book, if I dared publish it. And that's only the stuff that I've finished. Not all of the fanfic is yaoi--I've also perpetrated yuri once, het lemon a couple of times, and a lot of gen. In general, I'm a fantasy-and-science-fiction kind of writer.

    My WIP (Works In Progress) list is scary (even the dated version on my website is pretty long)--currently an original novel has floated to the top, but it isn't guaranteed to stay there.

    The curious are invited to poke around http://meejit.envy.nu/thelibrary/ , and http://yaoiville.net/viewuser.php?uid=300 (although even the two of those together don't have everything I've ever posted on the 'Net).

    ::wanders off to take a look at moichi's story::
  5. moichi
    okay thank you ExoticChocolate!
    i do tend to type really quickly and then skim read over it lol
    i'll go and take a look at it now
  6. ExoticChocolat
    You're welcome!

    ughhh. I'm stuck. I don't know whether I want to make my new story yaoi or het.-pout-

    So many possbilities... >_>
  7. moichi
    personally i'd say yaoi, but it's up to you

    why don't you write the beginning as yaoi and then re-write it as het?
    then see which one works better and which one you prefer?
  8. ExoticChocolat
    Oh no its just I already have 6 pages done....

    And I'm planning ahead for the upcoming chapters. I want to add in romance. But I'm not sure which one I want. :P
  9. neko neko blue
    neko neko blue
    Kaiidiianne: thanks ^^
    I speak portuguese... sometimes is quite troublesome 'cause some words are very similar but with different meanings...
  10. ExoticChocolat
    gah I won't be on for a while.
    I'm going to be in Canada until the 9th. :P
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