aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Aarin's Prince's +18

  1. Moonrei
    @ Rubedo: It's usually at least three times. The other four days are usually call-ins. My cousin calls me to see if I can come in. She lives a minute away from me, so I get a ride home.

    @ Shotoo: Hamster are awesome too. They're so cute and small.
  2. eskamobob21
    hi all, just joined and sorry to cut in on the convo but i love the little furry guys...

    @Moonrei and Shotoo: i've had a hamster before (it died after not that long tho, my cat got to it when we weren't home) but what i really want, and this sounds stupid, is a Weasel. I just think it would be awesome to have on i dont really know why. I even named my car the "Barron Weasel"
  3. Shotoo
    Hamsters are pure evil!

    I've been bitten by hamsters so many times...
  4. Rubedo
    Hamsters really are cute, though they can be pretty boring at times, can't they?
    @Shotoo: Maybe they just didn't like you? ^.^

    @Moonrei: And what do you do when you're not called in?
  5. Shotoo
    @Rubedo: No, they bite anyone and everyone! Including eachother!
    I could tell you about some graphic incidents involving hamsters if you wanted to hear about it, but you might have your idea of hamsters spoiled forever. D:
  6. moon_child
    @sho: hm. i don't think i'm afraid of the animals, but sometimes i'm afraid of holding them or picking them up since i always have this weird idea that i'll crush them if i do. especially the little ones, like the hamsters. (when i tried keeping one i'd always pick him up with a towel in my hand lol.)

    on one note, i always drop by this one pet store to look at the hamsters and rabbits. one time me and my friend saw hamster remains (bones and fur, and a little blood) inside the hamster box... it was terrifying. *A*
    although maybe the ones in the pet store were just, what, cannibal hamsters from mars or something.

    @bob: hi there, nice to meet you *waves* what's a weasel like?
  7. Shotoo
    @moon_child: Nope, that's generally how all hamsters are. The smaller and cuter, the more vicious.
    I couldn't tell you how many times I had to pull gutted dwarf hamster corpses out from their bedding just to have to try and search for a missing head that didn't exist anymore.
  8. Rubedo
    @Sho: "The smaller and cuter, the more vicious." -> That's not just Hamsters...
    The cuter a guy, the more vicious he is. That's what I learned, at least.....
  9. Moonrei
    @ Rubedo: You never know what he's like until you get him in bed.
  10. moon_child
    @sho: ohnoes *A* next time i'll try keeping a plump furry guinea pig.

    @rubedo: LOL. you just gave me weird ideas. (as i've been eyeing a small and cute guy for almost 3 years now... to no avail, but that's a different story.)

    @rei: hahahaha point taken [thumbs up]
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