aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Yaoi Philippines

  1. maLadeiNe08
    onyx: oh oh ...that's not gonna happen you'll be going i'm praying i wanna see that itachi >< yeah i need to snatch someone and make them Soubi right away >< *sniff*
  2. onyxpetals
    maladeine > well, my stuff's incomplete, so my itachi cosplay will be on the LO event, the sharingan contacts will arrive in the 2nd or 3rd week of august so i wont be coslaying in the harajuku this 31st. good luck on Soubi! i would have volunteered but i already am stressing over my own cosplay..

    everyone > i have done Ritsuka and Semei! (haha! sound naughty)
    i meant i made them at last!

  3. SecretlyCares
    maLadeiNe08: I’m doing fine too. It’s kinda busy lately, but it’s all okay
    onyxpetals: i have done Ritsuka and Semei! (haha! sound naughty)<< omg!
    Oh, and no, I can’t go Besides, I haven’t really gone to these kind of events, so I don’t know what I should do >.<
  4. onyxpetals
    secretlycares> LOL
    no? too bad, well are you going to the LO event?
  5. SecretlyCares
    onyxpetals: uhm... no I haven’t cosplayed before, although at times I kinda want to, but I don’t think I can >.<
  6. aIshiRoi
    onyx, haha! i skipped my swimming class today! because.. err.. i have. @w@;; i don't want to swim if im bleeding.. >____________<;;;;
  7. maLadeiNe08
    onyx: oh you mean i dont kow if i'll go to the LO (of course i want to >< but curse my schedule >< ) i wont see itachi *sniff*
    oh i like the Soubi mmmm.... lovely lips he got feels like i like to bite something

    secretlycares: oh that's great ^^ yes yes its really busy now ... *nods* but i'm glad you are fine

    aishiroi: yeah that's true hard to swim (though i've been swimming like it >//<) but anyhow nothing happens... the oly reason i will want to skip that class is for wearing a swimsuit

    i found someone who was willing to be my Soubi i hope we work out... we actually dont know each other but who cares it doesn't matter ...
  8. SecretlyCares
    maLadeiNe08: glad you’re doing fine!

    BTW guys, if you like Wolfram, please vote for him in this poll: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f24/t8...terfinals.html
    Sorry for the shameless plug
  9. aIshiRoi
    maLadeiNe08, ahahahah! that's my problem too! other than... err.. this. xD but lucky, our prof isn't that strict and he allows us now to use swimsuits.
  10. onyxpetals
    secretlycares > well, you should come even though you don't cosplay, it's a lot of fun!
    aishiroi > LOL i would too if i was in your position, i never swim when its my period, but some say that when your in the water already, it stops... don't know if its true..
    maladeine > i'm sorry! but i can't do anything about it, my target date is the yaoi con, i have classes that day but i already plan to skip it don't worry, if you can't make it to the LO event, i'll cosplay as Itachi on other events after LO.. LOL, my Soubi sim is delicious! haha!
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