aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Yaoi Philippines

  1. foxytroy
    ohhhhh... hahahaha. that is funny. so embarassing. yeah, it's quite fun.
  2. renji14
    @onyx: actually that was the first thing that came to my mind when i saw that number

    @kunitsu: *was poked very hard and is now suffering from back pain*
  3. kunitsu
    @renji: Hey I didnt poke you that hard

    And I know what you mean by that with the number then after that I thought of BLEACH
  4. onyxpetals
    kunitsu > oh, why did ya move? if you don't mind my asking..

    renji > hahaha! we're a couple of pervies!
  5. contessavi
    Hi everyone! I'm Filipina yaoi fan but not in the P.I. hehe There seems to be a lot of Filipino yaoi fans. I think it's cuz we're a little more open to the idea. I mean, long before Ellen came out of the closet there were many gay uncle characters with crushes on their niece's boyfriend!
  6. foxytroy
    contessavi: lol/ how did ellen dengeneres come out of the blue? lol. quite funny. gay uncle's having crushes on their neice's boyfriends. that's a hysterical situation. so conniving.
  7. kirk_elemental
    Hi. Message naman mga pinoy diyan in Manila. Hihi.
  8. Gambit
    Hi kirk.
    Not directly from there but hello to you
  9. onyxpetals
    rawr!... damn, i was in intramuros all day.. shooting... while it was raining...
  10. eiri
    It's been a while since I've visited the group. So what's new here?
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