aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Yaoi Philippines

  1. foxytroy
    blacksilver: yup, im from philippines. but not residing there anymore. hopefully, take a vacation next year for me.
  2. blacksilver
    @maLadeiNe - yeah. what is with filipinos and videoke? during the summer, there was a basketball tournament in our community, and the court was near our house. for hours i would hear the stupid commentator, followed by celebratory videoke-ing! waah. i am guilty of participating in some karaoke parties, but i do it in sound proof rooms!

    @foxytroy -- where are you based now? don't you just miss the phils... esp the food? yum! ^_^ ahaha.
  3. onyxpetals
    hi to aishiroi!
  4. aIshiRoi
    hi onyx!!~

    is it everybody here lives on phillipines or once a resident there? OwO;;
  5. foxytroy
    blacksilver: hell yeah i missed everythin out there, for real for real. anyways, it's my birthday 2day. ahihihihi. my friends in pinas called me in YM.
  6. kunitsu
    Hey there everyone
  7. blacksilver
    happy birthday foxytroy!!! ^_^ i hope you have a good one!

    to aishiroi and kunitsu!
  8. aIshiRoi
    hi black!!~

    oh! happy birthday foxy! hope you had a great day
  9. eiri
    Happy Birthday foxy! Enjoy a yaoi filled day today!
  10. icekori15
    @ SercetlyCares: welcome to the group!

    @ foxytroy: Happy Birthday!

    @ aIshiRoi: I'm a Filipino who lives in the Philippines.
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