aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Aarin Metalheads/Metal Appreciators \w/ >_< \w/

  1. Schiz
    Not a bad band imo, but (most of their songs are not so great no)...
    But nevertheless, they do have some really good songs aswell ^^
  2. mitsuki
    those people talking about kiss :
    they're coming to belgium in june...bring all your arses to graspop metal meeting belgium harh harh harh

    oh suhi likes metal too? nice nice
  3. coz1134
    @Schiz: I never listened to their songs. It was more "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! KORN!!!!!!!! *change channel*" whenever I saw them XD

    @Mitsuki: I hope you enjoy it ^_^ (if you're going to it)
  4. Schiz
    Damn, now i wanna go to graspop :o
    But still... i´m broke.
    And Coz, HAHAHA that´s so... lame xD
  5. coz1134
    Hahahah I know it is... but alas - I do a lot of lame things ^^ admitting I do lame things would be one of them... weeeeoooooo!!!!! ^_^ *insert something metal related here*
  6. coz1134
    I have decided I need metal... right at the time I have to go D: Damn... -_- the sound on this compputer is broken anyhu... hrmn... The Poison Apple <3 (MP3 XD)
  7. kaworuchan
    OMG, I just discovered this awesome prog metal band named "The Tangent" - their album "Not as Good as the Book" is one of the most amazing things I have heard in a great long while..... Hehehe.....
  8. manganimerocks
    Coz I posted some classic metal with my 7th son songs (King Diamond is classic damn it!)

    Schiz, Kiss is 70's (and yes I'm a fan)

    Some metal: Iced Earth: Damien
    Blind Guardian: The Edge
    Demons & Wizards: Crimson King
    *Note: Demons & Wizards is a side project of the guitarist from the first band and the singer from the second.
    Demons & Wizards: The Gunslinger
    Sky Eats Airplane: Giants in the Ocean
    *Note: Obscure. 1/2 death metal, 1/2 electronica
    Arch Enemy: Nemesis
    *Note: They're one of the few bands with a female growler, but she's awesome.
  9. totaljammer
    Hey all.

    I'm hopelessly addicted to Amon Amarth right now...can't seem to get the Viking Metal out of my head...I can't only vanquish the Viking Demons with yet more demons...Oh Dimmu Thou hast Saved me! ~
  10. Schiz
    manganimerocks i never said that they´re anything else did i? xD
    I grew up with them since my parents used to listen to Kiss ALOT, and i used to listen to Kiss even more :P (wtf was that typo about...)

    And yea i do agree Angela is ****ing awesome, i´ve seen her live, seriously, she´s insanely good
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