aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Aarin Metalheads/Metal Appreciators \w/ >_< \w/

  1. Hellbreed
    I know that machinae isn&#180;t power ;P
  2. Hellbreed
    Does someone here like the bands of the eighties? It has been a lot of "modern" metal here... (heh, those who bring back good memories??)
  3. Schiz
    Well old rock, that&#180;s good yes.
    But good memories, can&#180;t help you with that.
  4. Hellbreed
    Eh... I see
  5. Schiz
    But then again, i might link even older bands than the 80&#180;s :P
    Like now!

    Here you go, some nostalgia:


    There you go, two extremely good classics, not 80&#180;s but anyway, ****ing awesome music ^^
  6. Hellbreed
    Sorry Schiz!
    Never been a Kiss-fan... sorry!! ;P
    (But it&#180;s still nostalgica, alright)
  7. Hellbreed
    But I&#180;m sure of that someone else will enjoy it! ^^
  8. coz1134
    Damn... so much to catch up on! *dies* I'll pretend I didn't see it for a while and get around to it later

    Dragonforce are one of the few powermetal bands I do like in some way. I'm not a fan of powermetal...

    Can't say I've listened to much Kiss... they're ok... but not a band I'd go look for songs by
  9. Schiz
    Ey, Kiss is nostalgia, and one day or another, you will go looking for it
  10. coz1134
    Or so you think eh? XD

    Though I may... I want to go look at some Korn songs now... I used to hold an extreme dislike for them... and this morning BAM!!!!! Right in my damn face! (Well, on my TV screen...) a Korn song I liked! So, now I want to know if I have really bad luck and only hear their shittyness or if they are indeed complete shite and rarely have decent songs (In my opinion that is... nothing bad against anyone who does like the band )
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