aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Aarin Metalheads/Metal Appreciators \w/ >_< \w/

  1. Blue_Star
    Hey guys Nightmare and I started a collection of their pics on my profile awhile ago. They sure to like to make out, that's for sure
  2. drizzt101
    hey there!

    I ve just took a look at that, jeeh, they are awesome
  3. suhi
    @Blue: Ah!! Right! It was YOUR profile where I've seen the pics!! I remembered it was someone's profile Great collection! :thumbs up*
    @Marcus: is it just for fanservise or Alexi is really gay? I yes, I guess you've got good chances .. ah, wait.. he's like with this keyboardist guy.. hmm.. I say you have good chances anyway :
  4. Vaed
    Jesus it's been a while... GL here, been busy with school, so hence my inactivity. I'm so glad this group is still active.

    keep your horns up. \w/
  5. suhi
  6. drizzt101
  7. suhi
    I dunno.. It could be a fanservice actually. (I wish I didn't see the red net pic =_=)
  8. drizzt101
    haha, I know what you mean ruins the total image
  9. Freak0592
    Howdy y'all! How's it goin'?!

    New member here!
    I'm just here to represent the awesomeness that is power metal (my LIFE and PASSION...in addition to yaoi, of course XD)!

    Keep it metal! \m/
  10. xfangirlx
    OMG YAY!! they have a rock club!!! i saw this and so wanted to join +^^+ i love metal and rock music its practically the only thing i listen too ..... and think is pure musical talent .... and i can play the drums and bass guitar xD

    so how are you fellow rockers? i hope you'll be nice to me and i come bearing cookies! *hands out cookies*
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