aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Aarin Metalheads/Metal Appreciators \w/ >_< \w/

  1. totaljammer
    Um does anyone else ever have the urge to slash their favorite metal bands...? I think I'm about to go to metal hell...I'm having strange urges to slash up a certain black metal band...*sigh*
    *prepairs to be slaughtered*
  2. Hellbreed
    Ey Metalheads!!
    Metal and alcohol has been like best friends for a really long time, so if u like to get wasted or if u just are a good friend with the bottle, please join this brand new social group if u feel for it >_<

    The Drunkards Lounge: http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/group.php?groupid=224
    Psst: 18+ ^^
  3. drizzt101
    eh, children of bodom (the solist especially - Alexi, you're gonna be mine someday>.>)

    and I could recommend hocico, gothminister, psyclon nine, panzar AG, skinny puppy and some more in industrial
  4. suhi
    how nice.. the group is alive
    oh, drizz... Hocico, Panzer AG and skinny puppy *thumbs up* You've got some taste, man
  5. Hellbreed
    Children Of Bodom... niicee... XD
  6. drizzt101
    Hellbreed - it is, now, isnt it, I gotta catch them this summer

    Suhi - I know ever heard of Informatik?
  7. suhi
    @drizz: Just looked up some pics of Alexi..
    now, drizz.. I remember YOUR pic you posted on Photoalbum..

    drizz X alexi... bzzzzzzz
    someone, fan me.......

    Informatik... sounds vaguely familiar... are they good?
  8. drizzt101
    thank you, I'm very well aware of the fact that he's my soul mate.. all I gotta do is to make him realize it's depressing, I've seen him many times, yet not ever got in the backstage.. wish me luck for this summer

    eh and you can call me Marcus, much better than drizz

    Yeah, I like them, and synthetic butterfly too, I can upload on somewhere some of the songs If you cant find them
  9. suhi
    hi Marcus
    I've seen pics of Alexi frenching some guy - i guess other musician from the band, but i can't remember where I've seen them.. In your profile album maybe? If yes, then you deleted them?... I totally forgot.. they were hot, I'd like to find them again

    Thank you for suggesting to upload - I don't want to bother you, found torrents, but what would you recommend? I dug some on youtube, I totally know them from some online industrial radio station I used to listen to.
    heard of Wumpscut btw?
  10. drizzt101
    I have the photos. If you agree, I can put them on the site the guy he's kissing is the keyboarder from the band.

    I love wumpscut He's one of the best for me, really. Christ**** and Soylent Green are my favs
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