aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Do you like the game Mahjong?

  1. glenny
    Good day everyone! I recently became interested in the game of mahjong and first decided to study the history of this game. Surprisingly, different sites write completely different stories about the origins of the game mahjong. Which version are you leaning towards?
  2. axtonn
    Yes, of course I like to play mahjong. I noticed that when I'm bored, I always go to a site with a mahjong game and start playing. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the game history and try to play the modern version of this cool puzzle. Usually I try to play and keep track of how long it takes me to solve the next tile layout. It's really fun and good for the mind!
  3. glenny
    This mahjong site is really cool!
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