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Need help automating my amazon business

  1. Chack66
    Hello everyone, I'm planning to create an application for managing an online store, and I want to integrate it with Amazon Web Services (AWS). I have some experience in web development, but AWS is relatively new to me. Can anyone provide guidance on how to get started and what AWS services I should consider for this project?
  2. Gogi
    Hi there. That's a great project idea! AWS offers a wide range of services that can help you build and scale your online store application. AWS offers several hosting options. Amazon EC2 provides virtual servers, while AWS Lambda offers serverless computing. For an online store, you might consider a combination of services. EC2 can host your web application, while Lambda functions can handle background tasks and API endpoints. By the way, Integrio can help you with the development of the application (httрs://integriо.net/dеdicatеd-dеvelopеrs/hirе-аws-dеvelopеrs). This is their specialization.
  3. Chack66
    thank you. It's probably advisable to seek help. I'm afraid I can't do it alone. Have you used their services personally?
  4. Gogi
    No. They were hired by my company. But I've heard a lot of positive feedback from employees. They said they were professionals and did a great job with the project.
  5. suzume199x
    You can plan your store's architecture and choose key AWS services like S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, wordle unlimited and API Gateway.
  6. jesse99
    I suggest using Amazon EC2 for hosting, RDS for database management, contexto and services like CloudFront for storage and content delivery.
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