aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. ricca123
    @shattered... Lolz so we'll be part of Japan in what, 152 MILLION years.... or there abouts.... haha... Awesome!! I cant wait!
    (Maybe Naruto anime will catch up to the manga by then>?>)
  2. 1Yukielric1
    anyone in victoria?
  3. ricca123
    @yuki - I wish I was atm... its so hot up here in fnq
  4. shattered
    finally a victorian! you might be alone for now, 1Yukielric1 but never fear, out numbers are slowly growing!
  5. 1Yukielric1
    ricca123, why at the moment. It's not nice. It's unpredictable. You think that it's going to be a nice day from inside but really it is freezing

    shattered omg yay...there are more than my imagination out there :P haha
  6. ricca123
    @ Yuki - the cold I can handle... but the rain up here.... OH EM GEE!!!! Have you seen it on da news?? In townsville? I was drivin my mums car yesterday night ,and went though a puddle (*cough*LAKE*cough*) and the car died in the middle... Ahhh Im such a doofus.... So I had to push it out all by myself (while guys in cars drove past...arseholes) and then I spent almost 2 hours in PPPOOOOUUURRING rain waiting for tow truck and pushing other broken down ppl out of the puddle...
    yay!.... so yeah, unpredictable is better than flooded cars and houses!! 0.o
    (i lived in melb for a year, so I know what its like... 4 seasons in one day.... it sux!! heh)
  7. 1Yukielric1
    haha yep definately
    yeah I've seen it on the news. Bugger about the overly large puddle dude thing. I'm going up to queensland in july for a holiday. I hope it clears up
  8. shattered
    @ricca ~ oh yeah, you guys are having a tough start to the year! while there were bushfires in tassie and WA, queensland was having floods O_o how very typically murphy's law. good thing you're not caught in the big one in mackay, man that was just scary how quick the rain was

    @yuki ~ the weather is definitely weird this year, its pretty cold here in syd as well O_o we had about 20 days of rain in the last 4 weeks and its meant to be a really warm time of the year >_< the seasons are doing some strange things, last year in august and september, we had a couple weeks of 35C days ... thats not normal for winter/spring time
  9. 1Yukielric1
    I remember a couple of years back, my family and some mates go camping up in Barmah on the murray river, the weather up there gets up to past 45C by 10 in the morning....by 6am it's already well and truly climbing the 30s
  10. shattered
    ouch that sounds like torture yukie! how did you guys ever survive it? just swim in the murray all day? (is that swimmable? i've never been there >_>)
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