aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. 2good2bebad

    Cool is it as hot up there as it is here??
  2. knickerbokerchu
    @griDbug: cool! Have you posted any of your artwork on the forum? And forgive my ignorance, but what is OEL?

    LOL. Chintsubu! Isn't that the one about the talking/possessed penises?

    (btw. I'm glad you mentioned the age thing again - I realised I'm not 23 for another couple of weeks... Yes, I am certifiably insane...).

    @shattered: I was walking around all day in that rain dammit! In three inch heels as well!

    @souritsu: Welcome! Another Sydneysider - yay!
  3. griDbug
    @knickers: haha yeah, I have, but not much of it. There's just a bunch of sketches and WIPs in there really. I'll pimp out my DA for you lol


    OEL is "Original English Language" manga. So original manga *nods* and yes! Chintsubu is about the talking penises! I laughed so hard I cried and then fell in love with the characters! I have a thing for the ones with glasses >////>
  4. knickerbokerchu
    @griDbug: *speechless* I really am in awe of anyone is is artistic, but you are really talented! I like all the bright colours as well (I very much liked the 'InuiCons').

    Yeah, I though OEL might be something like that but I couldn't figure out what exactly the letters stood for; thanks for clarifying. And you are very brave and dedicated in trying to launch this sort of manga in Australia - hope it goes well for you.
  5. griDbug
    @knickers: lol I'm still learning. I've only been drawing since half way through 2005. ^_^; So a lot of stuff on my DA is pretty old. *nods* Though your compliments make me blush >////>

    And yeah, with the introduction of yet ANOTHER con to Australia and more and more cons offering 'Artist's Alley' type things, I think that in the end a doujinshi and manga culture will develop naturally, but at this point really, only Madman Entertainment have a hold on this niche and they don't (as far as I know) print original works.

    So hopefully I'll find some talent to get a few going ^_^ It's pretty hard since it is so niche here - but we're just at that stage before it will boom.

    Anyway, here's the latest con to hit Brisbane, though it has anime and cosplay, it is also a cards and tabletop gaming con, previously only seen in the US etc. It is GENCON (ZOMG) anyway, since I'm a D&D geek, I know about GenCon and it's coming here to Australia to the Brisbane Convention Centre in July. More info at http://www.genconoz.com/
  6. BenRetsu

    Its raining all the time here (floods everywhere) they wanted rain, now they are crying their houses are getting washed away
  7. ricca123
    @shattered: lolz at Agro.. I loved agro, he looked like he had lived in the bottom of a cupboard for like, 10 years.... hahah. And the 'Buckle up' ad he did was awesome!! For years, everytime I got into a car Id go "Ahhhh hahaha ahhhhahaha CMON CMON CMON LETS GO weehahahha!!" lolz
    Neon Gen was also my intro to anime, tho I just bought it at EB coz I thought it looked cool.

    I heart SBS they have some good anime on. Like alll the Miyazaki movies!

    @everyone: its raining here in tville!!! OH EM GEE!!! It never rains in tv!!! I thought we were ina drought??? lol
  8. griDbug
    So did I but it's been pissing down here too lol XD
  9. shattered
    i think this is probably the wettest summer we've had in a looong time it still hasnt stopping yet and weather forecast for sydney says rain continuously till valentines day! thats like ... half of february under rain!

    @griDbug ~ hueco mundo aizen and gin are the way to go! they look so awesome there, its like the guys know a lot more about appearance and dress than the good guys (with the exception of ichigo's bankai pimp suit )

    @ricca ~ they sell dvds at EB? hmm, i didnt know what i first saw evangelion when i was 12 so needless to say i did not understand any of subtext! everytime i watch it i get something new that i didnt understand before ... its waaaay deep!
    Morning kiddie shows are just not what they used to be its a bit sad that characters like agro probably wont be as popular if they showed it now. its all about young people and being cool nowadays >_<
    SBS is a good place for anime, the only downside is that they usually show the subbed version, which is good that you dont have to read the subtitles, but i still prefer the japanese original just because the voice artists' acting are much better
  10. ricca123
    @shattered- Yeah I prefer the j.voices too. It always seems so forced when they have English voices. Only one anime ive seen so far where I preferred the English voices and that was "Sakigake! Cromartie Koukou (Highschool)" the English was awesome. man, whenever I feel depressed I watch that anime and it makes me larf. The English cast is really good.
    I say Bring Back Agro!!
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