aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. mitsukunixx
    hiya everyone~~
    im from bendigo! a town in VIC
    i hope to make friends with all of you!!~~
    i totally forgot about these groups!
  2. YoLing
    @ SilveryDark
    WAH? u were at stra? and u wish u lived in sydney? lol i dont get it.. im lost rofl ;
    so im guessing ur outta state D= awwwwws;; where do u live then?
    lol come sydneyyyyy ^o^ haha another good place to find some yaoi fans in syd.
    is kinokuniya :P i met a girl there, and i was lookin at this yaoi book and shes like
    OMG u like yaoi? im like chyeahh , who doesn :P ^o^

    LOL u live in sydneyy?? D= where where where~ ^o^
  3. ricca123
    omg Im back!!!

    Im like Shattered... Uni was kickin my butt... but all good now...

    I hates on Townsville... getting hot and blegh... sleepin with aircon on now...

    Neways hi to all!! yay!
  4. Cherubium
    So does anyone know when the next convention in Australia will be held? Hope it's after uni and exams though -_-"
  5. 1Yukielric1
    the next is this upcoming weekend in melbourne....It's Manifest ^^ Then I think the next one after that would be either Egames and Armageddon then WaiCon
  6. eVilaNgel
    omg hi! finally found this group

    im from sydney, the inner west, woot!! hi all
  7. eVilaNgel
    OMG kinokuniya? i go there lots! haha sometimes im found hovering around the yaoi books muahaha :P but im too shy to look rofl
  8. shattered
    i go to kinos so often that i think the japanese book counter people know me because i order a lot of yaoi from them but i dont hover at the yaoi section because the good stuff is all sealed anyways lol

    @YoLing - i live in the ... inner south? im not sure ... its the st george area, NOT the shire lol

    @Cherubium - the only next convention i know would be next year supernova and minianimania ...
  9. eVilaNgel
    i read a lot there. i love that bookstore so much
  10. AiKaGi
    Oh, hai. I'm from Melbourne. I had no idea this forum had group thingies. Well, until now o.O Hm.. this is fun. Did anyone go to the Manifest?
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