aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. Arkayne
    Hi all.. I'm from Northern Territory (the most horrible place in Australia!!).. wishing to move to Brisbane any day now..

    Any good yaoi/anime events happen in Brisbane, or happening in Brisbane in November (going there for a month in november, and would love to go to my very first anime/yaoi event!)..
  2. SilveryDark
    Why hullo there group~xD

    I'm from the Mid North Coast and I swear, I'm the only anime fan around those parts D: I NEED PEOPLE TO STALK/ANNOY IRL~xD
  3. Arkayne
    I wish I knew other yaoi fans IRL, too..
    Welcome to the group, SilveryDark!
  4. SilveryDark
    Is anyone else here going to animania in Syd this August? *looks hopeful*
  5. shattered
    I'm going to Animania! My second convention after SMASH at UNSW
  6. hydeist
    I was so sad I missed SMASH this year =( Anyone here care to share their experience with SMASH 2008?
  7. shattered
    SMASH wasn't like totally big and the interview with Kiuchi Hidenobu wasn't done all that well, the guy who interviewed him was an idiot who knew nothing about basic anime and Japanese culture -____-U But Kiuchi-san was so nice and friendly and funny it really made up for it. There was some good cosplayers but mostly it was merchandising and art The highlight was talking to Kiuchi-san twice and being able to hug a giant Suzuki-san that someone actually bought!
  8. SilveryDark
    @ shattered: Cool~! Are you cosplaying? This is my first con so I'm kinda freaked out about it xD;

    You'd think that they'd have an interviewer who knew at least SOMETHING about the topic he was talking about -__-'
  9. Bittersweet5678
    G'day (Greetings Fellow Australians!)

    Hi all.. I'm from Northern Territory (the most horrible place in Australia!!).. wishing to move to Brisbane any day now.."]

    The most horrible place in Australia?...please! i live in a hole located in the middle of nowhere, but worst of all, most of the population (like 1000 ppl) is drunk/stoned and have know idea manga etc even existed... *sob sob*
  10. Arkayne
    Aww, that sucks.. Still, it may not be the worst place where I live, but it sucks, too.. At least we have more than 1,000 people though.. lol.
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