aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. ricca123
    wow I havent been on in ages!!! Uni is inSANE atm... prac is jsut crazy.... but I hope all are doing well!
    Huray for 30 members!!! who was the big three-oh?
  2. FakeFlower101
    this is aimed @ ANYONE in Victoria - Is anyone else insanely cold at the moment?
  3. minjee
    OMG YES fakeflower. far out its freeezing like hardcore !
  4. minjee
    umm i'm guessing i'm number 32 XD
    hi hi ~
  5. shattered
    2 people sneaked in while we weren't watching! hey minjee! welcom!
  6. Vialana

    I'm finally being social and joining groups. Why not start with something close to home?
    Nice to meet you all.

  7. shattered
    welcome Vialana!

    our numbers are still crawling up!
  8. Deity
    yayayyayay!!! so where do i get my Yaoi DRUG form here in OZ??
  9. lozzenator
    Hiya all! Just butting in for a sec to say hi to all the aussies in here.
    Haven't checked in much but you know how it is in real life.
    At work, there's mergers and acquisitions galore......
    On the family front, arrrghhh.....

    Has anyone ever been so busy that the only place you can read your Yaoi is on the toilet? :/
  10. FakeFlower101
    Grr, It's not getting warmer.....

    @lozzenator - Not quite that busy But I do have a lot of study
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