aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. Ygnol
    so who's from vic??
  2. ricca123
    lol @ shattered. Obviously not from the far north then XD
    We wish we could be our own state. We would rock.
    Cept then they would have to put another point on the star on the flag... and it would look kinda silly i recon. heh
  3. lebanax
    Weeee.... I haven't been on aarin for a little while. Have I missed anything down under??? Sorry, lame I know. Anyhoo... uni is killing me! ^^
    Kind of sounds like no one is from WA... oh well we're always stranded out on this end.

    @griDbug: you have studied some cool s**t. Sounds really intersting!

    Anyway just to be even more lame has anyone been watching 'So you think you can dance?'... (I can't really connect with most you guys being on the east coast... hehe). That's my 2 cents for today ^^
  4. shattered
    @ricca ~ yes, it took me quite a while to get it ... i kept reading it and wondering where is this fnq you talk of, and only got it after i said it out loud. *facepalm*

    @Ygnol ~ it seems like you're alone at the moment

    @souritsu ~ exactly! now i cringe everytime i hear the word 'journey' and havent ever used it in any essay/sentence/speak/email etc etc since my HSC

    @lebanax ~ i watched the american 'so you think you can dance' ... the aussie one didnt look as good so i didnt bother to tune in -_-;
  5. ricca123
    @lebanax I saw a bit but the cpmpar lady (natasha beddingfield or whoever it is) annoys the CRAP outa me... she looks half asleep most of the time... heh.
    And yeah, Uni is killin me too, and Ive only been back 4 days... UGH! To much stuff to think about....not enough Yaoi time... heh

    @ shattered - LOL!!! XD
  6. lozzenator
    Hi all, I'm new here so pls be gentle!

    Wondering whether anyone from Sydney will be going to the V Festival at Centennial park in 2 weeks' time? It'll be fantastic.
    Quite a lot of 80's and 90's bands there. I'm EXCITED!!!
    *Lozz is now a corporate suit-wearer but was so grunge-y back in the uni days*
  7. shattered
    hey there lozz! welcome! yay another sydney-sider!
    although, i dont know what this festival is ... i dont even know where centennial park is
  8. lozzenator
    Ooyyy vey. :o
    Centennial Park is next to the SCG and Fox Studios.
  9. shattered
    ooooooh is THAT where it is? i pass it everyday on the bus but ... i never pay attention to my surroundings. in my defence, i sucked at geography and only know the parts of sydney on the crunulla to bondi train line
  10. Nekoboy
    haha! welcome lozz, nice to meet you!!

    thats such a cute froggy avatar ^^
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