aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Open for business!

  1. lv1ath3n
    This group is intended to be a very informal place to share information and find new perspective on the process of cooking in general. Don't feel as though an idea must conform to a formula to be posted here. When possible, try to include additional information about submissions:

    For recipes: Do they require extensive preparations or exotic ingredients? Is it reflective of culinary tradition in your culture? Do you have nutritional information? Is there an interesting story behind the recipe, or a trial-and-error period that helped perfect the process?

    For techniques: How has this helped to increase efficiency or safety in your kitchen? Is there a trick to mastering the skill?

    Feel free to mention cooking blogs and webcasts that may be of interest. Let's get cooking, and see where it goes!

    Good luck, and have fun!
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