aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Todays Episode! (Episode 6)

  1. fireandwind
    I know this group is pretty quiet, but i thought I could post a discussion about today's episode and the upcoming ones, since it was very Makoharu.

    I personally am so happy with this episode and how things are going down. The situation that is being brought upon them (finishing high school and most likely having to leave your friends) is a big thing in life, especially for Makoto and Haru; two people that have known each other since childhood and were together since. I already knew that Makoto loved Haru to death, but this episode killed me because it shows just how much Makoto is trying to stay with Haru no matter what. My (and many others) interpretation of him wanting to race Haru is because he wanted to see if he could be on his level because if he was, that would allow him to move onto professional swimming with Haru and still be able to swim with him after they leave school. Makoto has repeated several times that he swims because he wants to swim with Haru, and his other friends. But the flashbacks in this episode say that from the beginning, all he ever wanted was to be with Haru. He doesn't want to accept the fact that drifting apart from Haru might be inevitable if they have to go separate ways. But even though this is bothering him, he is acting like nothing is wrong, and just goes on to compliment Haru's swimming once again because he's always putting Haru first. Basically this episode just wanted to remind us again that Haru is really, really precious to Makoto.

    As for Haru, we all know that his character holds back on a lot. So far in this season we know that he is "undecided" on a career path, and that he doesn't care much about it yet, as long as he can keep swimming. Seeing as how scared he was when he thought that Makoto was crying, and how Makoto just gave that fake smile and laugh only to then say "Maybe I'm jealous of Rin" right after he watches Haru + Rin's race, tells us that we better get ready for a lot of angst and more build up of this in the next episodes. I would speak more about Haru, but I actually would like to wait and let it play out to see what happens.

    Overall i am SO happy that this ship is being put in this situation. Many people are saying this is bad and negative, but I actually love conflict and angst because it only leads to further interaction and feelings being let out. I also love seeing Makoto like this, since the fandom always seems to brush him off as someone "too perfect to like" or not liking him because "he's too nice". I always could tell that Makoto wasn't perfect and had many flaws and his own inner conflicts. So I'm really glad that those people who couldn't see past his front will be watching these episodes and maybe understand him better. Of course I'm not saying this will change their opinion on him, I completely respect if you don't like him, but I would really like the "He's too boring/nice" thing to stop, because he's not.

    Anyways, If you watched it, I would really like to hear your thoughts if you have any! Crying over these boys atm
  2. pivy
    You've summed it up well.
    I'm really hoping that some kind of conflict is going to happen, but at the same time I'm afraid that Makoto might get hurt in the end. I just love him so much hehe
    I've never thought of him as too perfect or too nice. He just wants peace and harmony, everyone getting along (and of course to be with Haru and seeing him happy), so that's why he might seem too nice. I think he is like that because he is aware of and understands everyone else's emotions. But now he might lose something very important to him. I see him more like facing an inner conflict where he has to choose between acting like he used to, or being "selfish" rather than being in a conflict with another character.
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Makoto is my favorite character! I definitely don't think of him as too nice.

    So my take on episode six was basically that Makoto is afraid of losing Haru, yes, but mostly of the closeness of their friendship changing. The career questionnaire from a few episodes ago showed us that Makoto honestly hadn't considered what would happen to them after high school, and I think that's all been weighing very heavily on his mind. I think Makoto is also, quite simply, jealous of Haru's rivalry with and fascination with Rin. This is why Makoto wanted to race Haru; he wanted to experience what Rin gets to experience. Anytime he sees Haru interacting with someone else, it makes him realize/feel like their friendship is becoming less and less strong. In short, I think he is terrified of losing his best friend.

    I don't think he believes Haru will go into competitive swimming because Haru doesn't care to compete. He simply enjoys swimming, especially with his friends. (The only exception is with Rin, so no wonder Makoto is extremely jealous.) And Makoto was definitely not trying to see if he could truly compete with Haru because he knows Haru is the better swimming and also Makoto's style is not free; it's backstroke. He would not compete against Haru in freestyle and expect to win or even do very well.

    I was really shocked he actually said he was jealous of Rin. I can't believe they put that in there Well, of course us BL fangirls will take it one way, but I'm guessing the way it was really meant was that it pains Makoto to see Haru's friendship with other people growing while the possibility of their own friendship is in peril.

    I'm honestly not too worried about it because the reality is probably that none of the boys will become pros (Rin isn't good enough and Haru hasn't the drive to do so). Some will go to college, especially Nagisa and Rei, while others will just go into the workforce (like Mr. Pangea, er, Makoto). 4-5 years down the road, and they're all back in town working their various jobs, occasionally meeting at the local pool. And of course Haru and Makoto are married Okay I threw that last part in, hehe.
  4. kriska22
    I haven't watched it yet but I saw some tumblr posts. I am perfectly ok with conflicts between the two. It is just a test of their bond. And we all know their bond will not break easily.

    I just really hope KyoAni will still make Makoto happy in the end...
  5. pivy
    Looks like the focus in the next episode is going to be on Makoto. I'm really curious about that full swim suit he was wearing in the preview! ^^
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