aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. kinai26
    Well done - no edges or erased backgrounds and I like the choice of words as well. The manga is interesting - I didn´t know about it till now
  2. FiresFlame
    ^^ it was great! I think i might have to go back and read the rest of the manga... seems interesting
  3. kinai26
    Update out for ´Death`
  4. kinai26
    OMG have you watched the new eps of the Naruto anime heh heh. Naruto almost naked in the hot springs #wipes off drool# and at the end heh heh the frog is funny.
    What´s up with the new ending? Sakura and Ino has danced before but Hinata, Naruto, Lee and Gai O.o Ma ma i nearly laughed my butt off XD
  5. Jabba
    *Tears up*
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    I'm so happy... All of our hard work finally paid off...
    Chapter 17 will be released next week.
  6. kinai26
    O.o was up with the new group design? It is harder to check up on resently posted messeges #pout#
  7. Jabba
    But at least things are less easy to get derailed now that we can have separate threads for different things.
  8. kinai26
    Update: "Death" 32 has just been posted
  9. kinai26
    Yeah that is right - but why do I get to the first page instead of the last one when I open this thread? It´s easier if it had srayed like before - but i guess I´ll just have to get used to it XD
  10. kinai26
    Say does anyone know how to add a pic as our little groups logo? I would love to have a phoenix or a griffon
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