aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. kinai26
    Not quite done with the chapter yet - the smutty scene is longer than planned but i´ll try to get it done by tomorrow - Guess I´ll have to post it un-ed then
  2. FiresFlame
    long smut? Cant wait!!!
  3. kinai26
    Posted an 9 page update for ´Forgive me`

    Next I´ll work on ´truth`´ and ´death` XD
  4. spaceyk_69
    hey, haven't been here in awhile. i'm so far behind on reading. i've been so busy. i hope you're well. ^_^
  5. FiresFlame
    Space-san!!!!!!! *huggle attack*X10000000000

    I missed you~!!!
  6. merraz2590
    Hello! New here and after reading three of kinai-samas works of sexy art I have decided that I must be a part of this group!
    I hope everone is okay with that
  7. kinai26
    Hi Merraz #huggles# welcome, come in and have a cookie XD

    @Spaceyk-chan: Hiiiiii #huggles# It´s been a while

    News: I´ve posted the first chapter of my first original fic today... here´s a link:
  8. FiresFlame
    merraz-san!!! dont worry... the more the merryier
  9. Jabba
    Chapter 426

    Before i start even reading the chapter...
    I pray that...
    Pls Konoha... PLEASE!!! Do NOT blame Naruto or hate him for what Akatsuki did!!!!!
    I keep on imaging the future...
    Where everyone hates Naruto even more...

    Okay... Start of review...
    That bloody thing...
    Eats souls? Brain matter? Memories???

    Hmmm... Ebisu steps in...
    Hey i pretty much like that closet pervert... Please don't kill him off too...

    Ino's family can do telepathy?

    Naruto's specialty is Kage Bunshin right?
    Why not have a Bunshin gather the nature energy while the main body fights?
    Or better yet... Have Bunshins fight while the main gather energy?

    Konohamaru steps up to the plate...
    Think did he even sign the Monkey summon contract?
  10. kinai26
    Heh heh finally the citizens of Konoha begin to show that they care about Naruto - about time if you ask me.

    @Jabba: good idea with the Kage Bunshin - i hope that Kishimoto got the same idea too

    i wonder what Sasuke is up too? It´s been a while since we have heard from him
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