aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. kinai26
    I´ve just posted an update for ´Decieve` - hot chappie, so consider yourself warned heh heh
  2. FiresFlame
    *hugs Kinai* Awww go get some sleep before you get sick again.... then you cant do much of anything
  3. kinai26
    Heh heh thanks for your concern sweetie. i am almost at my goal for NaNo (45000 of 50000) and I aim for the 50 k by the end of today. I have so much material that my 2 MC hasn´t even shown up yet - I guess he will have to be introduced in book 2 heh heh.

    i will work on my fan fics ´Forgive me` and ´Truth` next - and then I´ll work on ´Death` and ´Happiness` any suggestions or ideas you have for any of these fics let me know - it is your oppotunity to influence the flow of the story if I like your suggestions XD
  4. kinai26
    ... Kakashi´s father looks nice... I wonder what they will talk about...
  5. FiresFlame
    Is Kakashi-san dead?
  6. Jabba
    Chapter 425

    One emoticon sums up my present feeling...

    But still...
    Kakashi haven't reached there yet...
    And he's suffering from chakra exhaustion, not a fatal wound...
    So if one of the slugs get there in time... He's still savable.

    And i think Naruto is gonna have to get into Sage mode by himself because of the damn Kyuubi... >_<
  7. kinai26
    I agree - I don&#180;t think that Kakashi is dead yet either.

    I wonder if Naruto will get to Konoha before Pein is defeated (I hope that they will kicks his ass realy badly) or if he will return to see the city in ruins?

    I think that it would be cool if he entered a Kyuu/Naru sage level - can you imagine what he would look like yum yum with furry tails and fox fangs
  8. Jabba
  9. kinai26
    Heh heh yeah
  10. kinai26
    Alright - my nano story (the draft) is finish which means that I am working on my fan fics again. I will not be able to update 3 times a week as I usually did but I will try to post at least 1 chapter a week.

    I an halfway through the next update for &#180;forgive me` and hope that I&#180;ll finish it so that i can post it wednesday
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