aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. lucka0021
    thanks jabba..........welcome here too
  2. Jabba

    And is the Uploading of photos to Albums disabled?
    I wanted to upload a new album...
  3. kinai26
    Cool we are back on Xd Posted you a little something
  4. Jabba
    Chapter 417

    I have to admit...
    Naruto looks damnnnnnnnnnnn cute as frog... An almost frog.

    Sugie... The merman...

    This new characters are cute... Lame yes but still cute.
  5. lucka0021
    yeah...he does...frogieee
  6. Jabba
    BTW, the Autumn season has quite a few series i'm looking forward to...
    Skip Beat!, Gundam 00 2 & Kuroshijitsu are a few of them... You ppl?
  7. kinai26
    The new chapter of Naruto was fun... though I just don´t Sasuke anymore. I really want to believe in the best in him - and that he will honor Itachi´s last wish... Oh well gotta wait and see where the story goes from here.

    About ´Blood` I´m really sorry that I upset you - plz stick with the story - please #begging on my knees#

    Oh and I´ll post the final two chapters of ´Cook` (there will ba a happy ending - a happy Naru x Sasu + Ita x Kyuu x Karin) very soon as well as a new chapter of ´Forgive me` - last one will be posted in the following week(also including a good/happy Itachi).
  8. Jabba

    Entire list of Autumn anime...
    I'm adding 2 more to my list...
    Ga-Rei & Switch.
    Both because i had already read their manga.... Didn't realise that they are being adapted into an anime until i read the list...

    I wonder what other surprises the Autumn season will give me...
    Looking forward to it!!!
  9. kinai26
    Wow so much interesting news... Looks like we´ll have a fun fall
  10. kinai26
    I´ll post an update for ´Decieve` later today - I have to leave for school now but I´ll try to upload it once I´m there XD
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