aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. assen
    I'm leaving probably to never return this also means I won't be beta-ing anymore of Kinai's work. RL is being a bitch and I just don't have time enough as it is... I've changed the group to public so don't worry it wont drop dead, I hope. You've been great friends but I can't keep up, my mind is working overtime and my body is suffering from sleep deprivation. So one of my hobbies gone, ah well maybe I'll check back here once in a blue moon but like I said not likely. Please help Kinai she has improved greatly but please help her to complete her self-study of English .
  2. nemine
    awww assen
    and sleep deprivation.. i know what that is.. (insomniac here.. -___-)
    but you take care and i hope you will come back someday!
  3. akatsuki_fan
    naruto chan !! love the pics

    aaw assen *cries* I will miss you soo much
  4. Jabba
    We will await your return when RL isn't such an ass anymore.

    BTW, i'm currently watching Terra he...
    Anyone know where to find stories with KeithJomy or BlueKeith pairing?
    Thanks tons!!!
  5. kinai26
    Hello minna

    News on updates XD

    Yesterday I mailed chp 2 of ´pain of losing` to my beta and updated chp 9 of ´Truth`

    Today: I posted chp 25 of ´Otokage` and a new fic - a oneshot called ´Together in death` it´s really sad - so consider yourself warned!

    I must regret to annouche that Assen - who created this group and is the beta for 4 or 5of my fics... won´t be able to beta anymore as you can read in his post - so I feel a little down - I have learned so much from him and I hope that he´ll be back soon

    - I´ll miss you, sweetie -

    I´ll beta the fics he beta´s un-ed untill I get a repalcement beta - so if anyone is interest - plz let me know.
  6. Naruto Chan
    Naruto Chan
    how many ff's are u writung at the same time O____o
    i haven't so much ideas i have an blockade taht sux -.-
  7. Naruto Chan
    Naruto Chan
    i would beta if my english was better >____<
  8. nemine
    i really don't think my english would be good enough for that even tho it sounds ah so interesting and tempting ^-^
    and yays more updates. i can't keep up soon
  9. CrisNoWait
    ICE-POPS>>><<<<!!! WOWOW
    what have i been missing! omg; totally hotness! thakt Naruto-chan!(so freaky)!
  10. kinai26
    ...My w.i.p.(work in progress)

    How to cook(open for new beta)
    In Claws of Evil(WolfsRain)
    The truth behind it all(open)
    Death is the only way to freedom(open)
    Forgive me before I die(open)
    The new Otokage(naked_Link)
    Pain of losing loved ones(CrisNoWait)
    Slave for a Weekend(Naked_link)

    The open ones are the one that Assen used to beta for me
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