aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Kinai26's stalker club

  1. FiresFlame
    *looks at drawings* hmmmmm wow i am apparently often depressed ^^
  2. Jabba
    The girl i'm talking about...
    Ends up being diagnosed with Autism...

    After we told her parents to go see a specialist for YEARS.... Then they took action...
    And she's diagnosed as autistic & with 2 years' development delay...
    So basically... A 4 year old that acts like an autistic 2 year old.
  3. kinai26
    Oh no how sad. I hope that they still caught it in time to help her.

    Colors can have a huge influence on the mood - I for one used to really moody before I got more green plants, repainted my walls in a ´warmer´ color (My walls used to be purple or dark grey - and now they are creamy white and light sand).

    I also real that dark velvet green is calming and clear blue should make you feel relaxed and want to eat less food.

    Red and Yellow means danger or stay away and then there is the difference between warm and cold colors as well but I don´t remember it all right now.

    I´ll post an update for ´Blood` tomorrow - there will be some torture - I´m sure that you´ll like it heh heh
  4. Shades22
    oooo updates!!!!! i read that chapt he he he but wats this about colors.... great now ur saying i could be a depressing person oh well meh.... doesnt really matter to me as long as i keep it to myself its fine
  5. Jabba

    Professional childcare teachers' bad habits.
  6. kinai26
    Yeah sorry.

    But loving dark colors don´t have to mean that you are depressed or anything - what we talk about is more of the subconcious level - so if you´re happy and just happen to love black - you don´t have to worry X3.

    Oh yeah - I´ve just posted the next update for ´Blood´ heh heh plz enjoy #smirk#
  7. Jabba
    Anyways, preference for colours doesn't really count the mroe you grow up.
    Because you will be influenced by the way you are raised & the environment you are in.

    It only really applies for young children.
  8. kinai26
    Yup XD

    I´ve just posted a huge (10 pg) update for ´Decieve` Plz enjoy X3
  9. Jabba
    Thanks, Kinai!!!!

    BTW, i just went back to my old center and got this term's quota of !
    I have been running on fumes for so long that my first hug almost made me start crying...
  10. kinai26
    Awww cool I met one of `my` kids today while I was shopping. She ran from her parents to greet me - so cute. Sigh, only two more days of my vacation... then a too short weekend and then back too school. Oh well it´ll be nce to see all my classmates again.
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